At Dagoretti railway station
Woah! I only see such in India
@Wakanyama huyo hapo.
Got no report of casualties or injuries lakini mimi naona ni human error.
kwani imegonga/ kugongana na nini??
It has happened in Kenya and you heard it here first.
Media hses wengine wamedoze
holy guano! hic
Looks like a passenger and goods train.
Still digging for more info. Jana kwa TBT nikiweka picha ya hii station
@uwesmake hio pose imetosha jet li? P. S natives, rain check.
just musing are there local insurance companies that cover these piles of metal we call trains
There must be.
@Afro Njoo hapa
Damn, from the explanation I got once, only one train can use one stretch of the railway between stations, and there’s a small ‘car’ that goes before the train to ascertain this…
If that still happens (ilikuwa enzi za Kenya Railways, not RVR), then this was a failure…
Hope there are no serious casualties…
hoping no casualties …nyte y’all
@Meria Mata. Naskia homeground yangu mishomoroni na kisauni, kuna vitoto vasumbua raia sana. Wanajiita wakali kwanza, ni wanoma mpaka Marwa anawaogopa. Wanatembeza vipanga kwa raia kama chenga za Messi
ghai fafa!
na SGR pia ni single lane travelling at almost double the speed