
So am in this malls urinal stall, a guy comes up beside me, looks directly down to where I am peeing and just goes “nice”. It startled me so much I just stopped mid pee and couldn’t continue so I zipped up my pants, said “fuck you dude!”, and left with a half bladder and a mild but unsettling, self esteem boost.

hehehe. Lazima alikuwa Talker hapa. @Wakanyama ama Uncle @uwesmake atatoboa jina lake hapa chini…

Maybe he liked the panties you had on.

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:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: worrying :D:D

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these sewer engineers are getting emboldened…


Its sad. I always imagine what will it be 10 years from now.

hehehehehe.na si lazima ulijikonjolea man.i hate this tabia hadi mimi ukonjoa kwa choo ndani.siendagi kwa urinal to avoid such

Nayu kasee!!

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Says the guy who is so ecstatic about having his junk checked out, he had to share the news

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@byro Una bahati ulihepa otherwise sahii ungekuwa unameza painkiller