Its been 5 days and not a drop of water in our taps, @Kasighau how are you coping? tomato sauce twa pata au hatupati?
UK akisema kuna nuka definately knew what he was saying.
word on the ground is that its 002 who has cut off the water coz of unpaid bills running into mirrions. @Guru i hope umejubebea maji ya kutosha. Kuja Jambo village Changamwe tuko hapo
Joho baada ya kupewa sweep na Uhunye ati kwanza asafishe mtaa hanjaongea, Ruto naye alipiga gafana RKO eti vitu haramu hazitakuwa vinauzwa chini ya maji. Ati kiboko yake kimotoni. The few days that are remaining will be interesting
Been here for 3 weeks and no such shit…anyways am just bothered with the heat and no evening rains.Will be gone in 2 weeks but still usingienglie huyu sultan mjinga hivyo.
Won’t even mention the inaccuracies with his speech like trying to show cohesion yet he talks about what he has done for one community (i.e be their shield apparently) and then tries and act all PC then calls a woman out and can only say she is a kamba…but let him continue
Kuna differece ya fame and popularity and you are mixing up the two big time.I feel joho is gonna be the biggest looser out of this.You can see how out of touch he is with even how he talks.Ukiona mtu anapata shida kucommunicate freely publicly either you are new to it or you are trying very hard to carter to your audience.
Sweep ya Ruto ndio ilikuwa kali akiambia Joho awache kusema port itahamishwa mpaka Naivasha. Akamwambia kama haelewi mambo ya inland port arudi shule masomo ni bure mpaka form 4.
Sema mtu wa D kumulikwa.
there are 8 parastatals that control matters water in kenya under the national Government
[li] Water Resource Management Authority,[/li][li] National Irrigation Board,[/li][li] Water Services Trust Fund[/li][li] National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation[/li][li] Water Appeals Board[/li][li] Kenya Water Institute[/li][li] Water Services Regulatory Board[/li][li] Imarisha Naivasha[/li][/ul]
Then there are 8 Boards too under the same National Government (hizi pia ni Parastatals) which contol the source and transportation of water to the cities and towns
[li] Athi Water Services Board[/li][li] Rift Valley Water Services Board[/li][li] Tana Water Services Board[/li][li] Tanathi Water Services Board[/li][li] Coastal Water Services Board[/li][li] Lake Victoria South Water Services Board[/li][li] Lake Victoria North Water Services Board[/li][li] Northern Water Services Board[/li][/ul]
ambapo kazi zao pia ni ku leta maji na sanitation services to the counties…ambapo in this case Coastal Water Services Board is supposed to serve 6 counties
Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Taita-Taveta, Lamu and Tana River ndio wasambazie maji kwa Mombasa Water and Sanitation Company ambayo iko under Mombasa County or kilifi mariakani water and sewerage company under kilifi county government, or Tavevo Water and Sewerage company owned by Taita County,
Kwa hivyo sio sawa ukisema ati 002 wamekatia 001 maji…haiwezekani wale wako na huo uwezi ni Serikali Kuu under those boards i have mentioned. The Governors get bashed kwamba hakuna maji lakini uwezo wa kutengeneza na kusambaza maji mpaka mijini haiko mikononi mwao. The little wter that they recieve is what they can meter and bill to the county citizens.
since this water sector attracts alot of donor funds…the Ministry of Water has been reluctant to carry out far reaching reforms that would have cretaed a more stream lined structure in the management of Water affairs in the country. hata juzi mliskia waziri Eugene ali inroduce wa wafaransa waje kukutana na board ya Nairobi Water Company with the view of selling it to them.
Ministry of Water is a big cartel where instant millions can be made where do you think Ngilu, Martha amd even Kiunjuri got their mullar…so the cartels will always resist any reforms. because wanajua ni Governors who will be bashed.
Hii inataka its own post. So @Meria Mata now you know where to take your complaints.
just imagine you are the Minister of water and irrigation with 16…YES 16 parastatatals under you…plus the ministry itself…they become a constant source of tenders which you can dish to your cronies and yourself…na bado kuandika watu kazi…amd appointing CEO’s and Board Members…the gravy train is endless…hautataka kuskia mambo ya reforms ati zikuwa merged…NO WAY
And remember Water and Irrigation are supposed to be a devolved function…but this has been done only in Name but not in funds or responsibilities…the ministry is supposed to be only for policy fomulation…but that is not what is happening going by its current budget and the budgets of those parastatals…