Are you disgusted by the high cooking oil prices? Do you get irritated when you feel you’re at the mercy of international cartels? Worry no more. I have a few solutions:
Go to KMC depot and buy beef tallow (Tell them yakupika) Rendered tallow is KES 150 per Kilogram. They pack in 10Kgs and 17 KGS. It has some beefy smell, but you’ll get used to it. It’s very healthy and its what Masais use. This is what our forefathers used, and what white people have started using again.
If you’re from western, contact KALRO Kakamega and order a palm tree. Get 2 or 3 and plant them in your home. In future, you’ll be getting about 200 Liters cooking oil per year per tree. With three trees, you’ll have 600 litres a year.
Plant Avocado’s and google how to cold press avocado oil. Some families usually have too many avocados that cause them to rot in the house.
If the KES collapses because of stupid govt policies, you’ll have your own cooking oil.
If you’d rather render your own tallow, KMC sells Raw Suet at KES 80 per KG
But the palm oil shortage was due to indonesia and malaysia banning exports, unless you want kenyans to go protest in indonesia against the indonesian govt.
That’s the definition of Ojingaism. How will violent protests cause Indonesia to stop the export ban? How many countries have progressed because of violent ojingaism?
Ojingaism is not politics. It’s simply idiocy. How will [COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)][SIZE=6]violent [/SIZE]protests cause the price of oil to go down? Whom am i going to beat up? Uhuru? That’s idiocy of the highest order. Why would I burn down my neighbor’s matatu because of what Indonesia is doing?
Why would i burn down my MCA’s hoiuse when he doesn’t even own a dollar account? How is it my MPs problem when his suggestions are ignored? Why would i burn down state house when I am the one who voted for the president?
Oil palm is an emerging crop grown for its edible
oil and high yields compared to other oil crops.
The oil is rich in vitamin A and E and can be
used in the manufacture of soap, candles while
leaves are used for thatching houses. Agro-ecological requirements
• Warm climate in altitudes below1000m
• High temp (22- 27°C)
• Well distributed rainfall (1000 mm p.a) with
no prolonged drought.
• Soils: loams, alluvial, peat soils which should be
well drained and slightly acidic (pH 5.5)
• Sunshine of 5.5 hours per day.
The areas include Western Kenya sugar belt and
the Coastal region. Available varieties include:
Hybrid Deli x Ghana, Bamenda x Avros for
Western Kenya; and
Hybrid Tanzania x Avros for Coastal region.
These hybrids are available at KARI Kakamega
and Mtwapa respectively.