Top Brothels in Kanairo.

Arrange the following Sweet houses in your order of preference: Sabina Joy, Relax inn, Calabash, Amar, Rico, Nairobi Kitale, OTC, Tea Room, Sophia Joy, Sommerset, Modern Green and VIP Classic.

[li]Vip Classic[/li][li]Sophia Joy[/li][li]Sabina Joy[/li][li]Modern Green[/li][li]Amar[/li][li]Rico[/li][li]Calabash[/li][li]Relax Inn[/li][li]Nairobi Kitale[/li][li]Tea Room[/li][li]Somerset[/li][li]OTC[/li][/ol]

Weka pin itasaidia watu huku

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Noted… Vijana waache kunyonga

Mkisii mjinga @King Robert Baratheon huwa anamalizia siku yake kwa hizo danguro. Wanamjua hadi jina ya serikali na ID number.

I thought ni Mkikuyu wa hapa Kiambu?

:D:D:D pin location. Meffi wewe

My ethnicity changes depending on his moods. Last week I was a Luo. This week I am Kisii.

Location Ya hizi base za Kanairo
[li]Vip Classic- Located on River Road next to Coop bank. There is a very nice Neon display hapo kwa mlango. Lanye 200 room 200[/li][li]Sophia Joy- Located Keekorok Road The first building ukitoka side za fire station Directly opposite Club Gabeez. First floor ni club. Keg iko kwa wingi. Mali safisafi[/li][li]Sabina Joy. Moi Avenue Ambassadeur hapo kwa mat za mombasa road. Be cautius you dont miss signage[/li][li]Modern Green- Latema road. intersection ya Tsavo road. Lanye si mingi sikuhizi. [/li][li]Amar. Lithuli avenue as you approach river road. Nice Lanye here a proffesional club. Security iko sawa. Lanye 200 room 150 to 1000. No closure it operates till late[/li][li]Rico_ Located at the last building on Lithuli Avenue at intersection with River Road. Pokos kwa wingi… Big size mamas hukudara dick ukipita[/li][li]Calabash- Duruma Road. Next to Relax inn upstairs. Be wary of character development. Meet ladies wa Kuber and lots of Jabaa[/li][li]Relax Inn- Most Insecure Sweet house in Kanairo. Drunk ladies with Jaba and Cigar. Locared at Duruma Rd. Dont visit here with valuables ( Your Mjulubeng Should be your only Valuable[/li][li]Nairobi Kitale- Lithuli Avenue just before Amar. Nice Tusker Signage so you cant miss it. Very Few Lanye[/li][li]Tea Room- Located at junction ya River road and Accra Road. Very hot mamas. Empty your ball as you go back to you reserve[/li][li]Somerset- Next to modern Green on Latema Road. Shot ya 100 iko[/li][li]OTC - Down town OTC. Pure Brothels be wary of makarao[/li][li] GoodHope- Located at River Road past VIP clasic and before Rico Fries. Potty lovers you are sorted. 45+ mamas[/li]

sijui ama ni pesa yangu iliongezeka ama ni standards …

Ulimea ndevu ukaongeza maringo

Eh! Yaani details on point! Kudos

Admin pin this Uzi

Hapo kwa Amar you are right

Your Thesis has earned you a first class honours in research of prostitutes den in Nairobi.You however forgot to remember of the shoga lodge near Tea room.

Haha hiyo ni next time

The cops prowling those areas endorse this message.

As the pussyzology I approve this list.

Weka hekaya

By the way Amar is the only professional club a long River road

WARNING: Don’t go to Tea Room… (and maybe other famous brothels) because Policemen (or guys carrying walkie talkie radios and impersonating police), are making a killing every night by following men who come down the stairs from Tea Room, and then grabbing them, putting on handcuffs and threatening to take them to jail if they don’t give up some money. I saw this happen live-live the other night at around 8pm. Was tempted to continue to chill in town and see how many more guys they would catch but I had to go home before curfew.