I have noticed this kijiji has too many people whining full of conviction bias.
Here is the fact; men are programmed by nature to provide and protect.
That’s why men are usually more aggressive than women physically and mentally.
Even if you’re a man and you don’t like paying bills, you will feel emasculated when a woman pays the bills for you.
That’s why most men find it hard to settle with women who are making more money than them; your primal subconscious can’t allow it.
That is just nature, and you can’t change the rules.
I’ve read some talkers are saying in the days of our ancestors, women took care of the family just the way lionesses do.
What they forget to say is that it was the men who went to war with enemy tribes.
Those cows and goats did not magically appear out of nowhere; it was the men who engaged in dangerous cattle rustling activities.
It’s also a myth that the lioness take care of the family.
What most people don’t know is that the male lion hunts at night under the cover of darkness and spends the whole day sleeping.
It’s also the male lion that fights for territory with other lions.
If a male lion loses a fight, his cubs are killed or exiled from the pride.
So it baffles me when a man is constantly whining about paying the bills all the time.
Don’t get me wrong, most women are usually unreasonable by asking for too much.
However, don’t be that guy who moves into a 50k house when your income is 60k and start complaining the rent is too high.
Or that guy who starts a family thinking that it will be cheap, and starts complaining about school fees.
If you’re the provider, you’re the one who makes the rules.
Don’t accept mediocrity since you’re the one with leverage.
Women are easily replaceable; as long as you have the ability to provide and protect, you call the shots.
Usijiweke pressure mingi unneccessary,
Yaani cheza kama wewe.
We do not have men nowadays. We have cowards. And you cannot force a coward to be something he’s not: A MAN. That’s why you see these funmy groups sprouting up ati sijui MGTOW. Since time immemorial, a man’s capability ia gauged by his ability to court and tame a woman, and consequently providing for her. But what do you have now? A bunch of weak ass bitch niggas like @chap hiding behind gay groups. And they have the nerve to call themselves alpha males. Alpha mar meru, chieth!!
a lion usually marks his 400 KMs territory , and roams around the whole day looking for intruders, being the apex predator he is not afraid of any other animal except a male lion. so the lioness kazi yake ni rahisi without competition all she has to do is just pick any prey she wants and give to the children. hata mimi nikishapanda mahindi na maharagwe bibi ni kuharvest sioni shida
The reason we do not have men is because we do not have women either.
What we have are people who have been brought closer so they can be one. More masculinity has been added to females and some masculinity has been reduced from males. Such that you have masculine females and feminine men. And hence they whine together and promote things like homosexuality together.
MGTOW is just a response to feminism. There was no feminism in the olden times and there was no MGTOW either.
There are so many many singo mathas out there waiting to be tamed and provided for .Tafuta mmoja ako na 4 kids and provide for them na tutakutambua since you crave for
There is taming a proper woman and starting a family with her. Then there is courting a single mother. Those are two very different things. But Sambamba I wouldn’t expect you to comprehend that, because your IQ is below 70, just enough for you to cross the road without getting knocked down.
So according to you niggas, any female is a single mother? Non of them are suitable for companionship, at the minimum? Then I should expect non of you were birthed by females. Kwanza @Sambamba ananikalia msee mwenye alikua delivered through the anus. No wonder you niggas are infatuated with homosexuality
A partner (man or woman) responds to the energy you give out. If you’re a b!tch-made, you’ll just spend all your time mad at the gender unajaribu kukatia because you’ll always be feeling shortchanged.
In other words, you get exactly what you deserve based on how you are as a person. It only changes if you’re aware enough to say, “this isn’t working out and we should end it amicably”. In simpler terms, you attract people either exactly like you or your complete opposite … Very rare to find a complimentary partner. Most people just numb their way through sh!tty relationships/family lives and try to make everyone else as miserable as they are. Stop it! Fix your own life before being a terrible person to people you assume have a tiny bit of happiness in their lives that you’re missing out on!
It’s quite simple, rather than look for an incredible partner be an incredible person.
Work hard, be a decent soul, learn a new skill, save for the winter, shed off negative habits, keep to yourself your intimate thoughts, be courteous and above all…stay optimistic…if you exclude yourself from the garden variety rotation then you most likely will end up in the arms of an amazing lover…I know I did.