Too Many Goddamn Ads On YouTube

The fuck’s goin’ on with this bloody website? One can’t watch 3 videos without gettin’ bombarded with at least 5 friggin’ ads. Am I the only one who’s noticed an uncomfortable increase in the number of motherfucking ads this increasingly shitty site is forcing us to watch? Sure, you provide content for free, but must you torture our eyeballs like this? Even watching 2 minute movie trailers is becoming a problem, coz one is sometimes forced to watch two…TWO!! And now they have some ads that you cannot skip!! At this rate, a time is coming when those puta madres at 901 Cherry Avenue will require us to complete the 12 labours of Heracles before being allowed to watch a measly video. Goddamn cunts!!

adblocker kaseee, works fine 0 ads

YouTube adblocker

wacha vloggers wakule pia

Kuna time nilieka adblocker flani na every website nilikuwa naenda, the first message I got was “we’ve detected you’re using an adblocker. Please disable it for this site in order to enjoy our content.” na zingine zinakataa kukupa access mpaka udisable. So YouTube haina huu ujinga?

Ata mimi nataka kuwasupport but hii imezidi. Ata ukiwatch vida ya ten minutes inakuwa interrupted mara ka tatu na ads. Ama YT is doing this intentionally ndio at some point watuambie “you can enjoy ad-free YT for X dollars per month”?

Si umeambiwa Adblocker ni free

Adaway and youtube ad blocker. You tube blocker is an xposed module (kama unajua xposed framework ni kitu gani) adblocker itafanya vizuri kama uko na root. It will ask you to update host files from time to time.

You just disable for that site pkee na kila kitu shwari

use opera browser ad blocker they have vpn too

I remember thinking I’m watching more ads on YouTube than NTV. They need to get that balance right, enough for their earnings but not to force users into using adblockers

the only time i get adds between videos are when I am watching those long videos n I dont mind em since they are well placed.

Otherwise mimi if I like a site I disable Adblock on it as long as they don’t have pop up ads or those that block site content.

Already exists, Inaitwa Youtube Red though currently not available in Kenya. sometime back my boss used to pay for Play Music which came with Youtube red for free too, though I barely used it

yaani hamwezi ngoja 5seconds just, 5 seconds

True I noticed the same, adblocker make it hard to navigate as your get prompted about it too much.

Hio ujinga waache , kuna time unawatch news online wazito wakiongea ad inawekwa

adblocker works fine

I hate the skip this as bs, cause unakuwanga ushaona like half the ad

I installed Youtube adblocker chrome extension, I can’t believe I put up with the crappy ads for so long when there was a simple solution. I haven’t come across a single ad since.

Now you know…!