Whoever advised that fag to create a premium Telegram channel messed him up. He earned a few hundred thousand shillings from the initially excited subscribers but alienated the majority who used to feed him free udaku. That’s something I never understood…like, how do you charge your followers for “content” that you received free? That’s some greedy BS, I’ll tell you that in no uncertain terms. The ghaseer should have just maintained his Instagram format…provide free udaku while charging for adverts.
Sikuhizi channel zake zimekauka, kazi ni kuokota content from other Telegram channels and plastering his watermark as if he was the original poster. Besides, every bonobo with a camera has a YouTube channel. There’s nothing particularly unique he offers. Hii ghaseer ilianguka mtihani wallahi.
Several hundred thousand? Lmao… That bonobo has made more than 7 million bob since he started paid subs.
There’s dearth of content yes but bado ako na loyal fans who call him uncle.
Leta effidense ama ufunge mcoondu. His BNN premium channel has less than 1000 subscribers. Kama alikua analipisha thao for an annual subscription, hao wengine walienda wapi? Mimi hata sikulipa hio upus and I can suddenly access the channel. Sahii ni ku-beg for content…“what happened over the weekend?” Unless kuna channel ingine sijui, ghaseer ime-realize ilifanya upuzi ikafungua premium channel quietly. Ati 7 million bob. Mushienzi.
Honestly I tried that “Premium” channel but there was no way I was gonna waste $10 hivyo hivyo. Ilibidi nimenunua 12 pack Gatorade nikunywe na nikabaki na change.
Kijiji experiment :
Wacha nilipe mia nione if you are full of shit kama yeye
… Update
That premium channel has 15,000 subscribers.
Umbwa wewe ongea vitu unajua