today is KDF day........................14th Oct 2018

This is the day we celebrate our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters who have paid the ultimate price in defense of their motherland KENYA and its people. Today’s festivities will be held in Gilgil and across the country in different barracks, regiments, and services. The stories of bravery are many and the losses personal too, the challenges great but the work has been done. So if you know anyone serving just write them a message and celebrate them!

Thank for your service…

I celebrate you @imei2012 , @bjurmann and all the other of our soldier s in the village. Thanks for your selfless service.

I think you get paid?

Ningekwambia uondoe u-m-coo-ndoo hapa lakini Ni Sunday. Sorry for even bringing this up.

It was on lighter note but you decided to take it personal.

Thank you all for your service… bado wako biz ya makaa Somalia

Sorry once again.

Apology accepted.
I have lost school mates and relatives who went to Somalia, so that I can enjoy this freedom and peace I have now.
This job should be paying more than an mp coz it’s a dedication, and a calling from God.

Unataka kuwa broker? If media is your source of information,then your future isn’t bright

I salut y’all guys for the good work. Mlinisaidia siku mingi kule North

tukutane kwa beach huko nyali barracks

keeping imperialism alive

Thank you for your service and contribution to our peace

Pombe tunakunywa wapi after the day’s activities?

kesho ni job

Tutaenda na hangover ni sawa tu.

Tufurute fangi juu ya Hio maneno at 420.

after speech ya CinC, defence secretary, CDF and service commanders saa nane kanatamba messes officially opened

Salute brothers and sisters ,leta photos za training and hardwares