Thick clouds, very overcast, cold and grey. Feels like one is in London (coz that is how it is over there for most of the year).
I wish ikuje -1 degrees nione how Kenyans can cope. Alafu it snows vizuri heavily for just one day.
We cannot handle that.
Meanwhile we have same current temperature as Siberia
New York is 24 degrees C
London 19C
Riyadh 44C
Siberia Russia 16C
Joburg 8C
Turkana apana tambua change in Weza. It’s still 40° Celsius.
Canada had 49C watu wamekula wengi
Ugali au wali?
How do those people survive if temps move from 49C to -20C in winter?
Ukizaliwa huko your body and mind naturally adapts the environment.
Siberia na London watu wamevaa vest na shorts. Outdoor activities kibao.
Watu wanaishi kwa nyumba za mabati kule kangemi ama mkuru kwa njenga si wanumia
I’m with you on this. Plus, it hasn’t been that cold surely, no?
Kerio valley tuko 29°C. Poor Nairobians
Dont say that chap
If that happens people will die. Fortunately, such an abrupt change is unnatural.
There is a time I spent some days hapo kabulwo and temperatures were about 40C. Very nice busaa and mangoes.
Budaa … we smark right in the equator. Ene never gonna happen.
Hehehe kabulwo is a cool place ukitokea hizo area inbox me chupa mbili huwezi kosa.
Arizona & Kuwait had over 50 degrees Celsius last week