To the Putinists & Pro-Russians.

Akina @kyuktothecore bana na @Kilpatrick hii risto imewapita aje? You should be here gallantly masturbating to this article. Shouting we told you so. Imewapita aje hii kitu? Kwanza ni ya RT news… in the words of one of the talkers, THIS IS GOLD!!

[SIZE=7]No attack, no victims, no chem weapons: Douma witnesses speak at OPCW briefing at The Hague (VIDEO)[/SIZE]
Published time: 26 Apr, 2018 16:21Edited time: 26 Apr, 2018 18:28

© Michael Kooren / Reuters

Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including 11-year-old Hassan Diab and hospital staff, told reporters at The Hague that the White Helmets video used as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged.
“We were at the basement and we heard people shouting that we needed to go to a hospital. We went through a tunnel. At the hospital they started pouring cold water on me,” the boy told the press conference, gathered by Russia’s mission at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague.

Hassan was among the “victims” seen being washed by water hoses in a video released by the controversial White Helmets group on April 7. The boy and his family later spoke to the media and revealed that Hassan was hurried to the scene by men who claimed that a chemical attack had taken place. They started pouring cold water on the boy and others, filming the frightened children.
“There were people unknown to us who were filming the emergency care, they were filming the chaos taking place inside, and were filming people being doused with water. The instruments they used to douse them with water were originally used to clean the floors actually,” Ahmad Kashoi, an administrator of the emergency ward, recalled. “That happened for about an hour, we provided help to them and sent them home. No one has died. No one suffered from chemical exposure.”
Read more visits hospital seen in Douma ‘chemical attack’ video, talks to boy from footage (VIDEO)
Halil al-Jaish, a resuscitator who tended to people at the Douma hospital that day, told the press conference that some of the patients had indeed experienced respiratory problems. The symptoms, however, were caused by heavy dust, which engulfed the area due to recent airstrikes, and no one showed any signs of chemical warfare poisoning, al-Jaish said.
The hospital received people who suffered from smoke and dust asphyxiation on the day of the alleged attack, Muwaffak Nasrim, a paramedic who was working in emergency care, said. The panic seen in footage provided by the White Helmets was caused mainly by people shouting about the alleged use of chemical weapons, Nasrim, who witnessed the chaotic scenes, added. No patients, however, displayed symptoms of chemical weapons exposure, he said.
Ahmad Saur, an emergency paramedic with the Syrian Red Crescent, said that the ward he was working at did not receive any patients exposed to chemical weapons on the day of the alleged incident or after it. All the patients needed either general medical care or help with injuries, he said. Saur told journalists he came to speak at The Hague independently of the Red Crescent, and that he was testifying freely and without any pressure.
One reporter asked what would happen to the eyewitnesses and whether they would “stay in Europe to testify.”
“We’re going back home, and see no problem with that. The situation is a lot better now. We’re Douma residents, like many others,”
Hassan Ayoun, a doctor with the emergency department, said.
Read more‘Whole story was staged’: Germany’s ZDF reporter says Douma incident was false flag attack
Six of the Douma witnesses brought to The Hague have already been interviewed by the OPCW technical experts, Russia’s permanent representative to the OPCW, Aleksandr Shulgin, said.
“The others were ready too, but the experts are sticking to their own guidelines. They’ve picked six people, talked to them, and said they were ‘completely satisfied’ with their account and did not have any further questions,” Shulgin revealed. He added that the allegations by “certain Western countries” ahead of the briefing that Moscow and Damascus were seeking to “hide” the witnesses from the OPCW experts did not hold water.
The alleged chemical incident was only supported by the White Helmets’ video and social media reports from militant-linked groups, but the US, the UK and France judged they had enough evidence that it actually took place and launched a series of punitive strikes against Syria on April 14. The US and its allies accused Syrian President Bashar Assad of carrying out the “attack,” without providing any proof of their claim. Notably, the strike came hours before the OPCW fact-finding team was set to arrive in Douma to determine whether chemical weapons had been used there.
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My friend @patco all along i have said is was a RED FLAG/SET UP.

Kwani you read my comments upside down??! Hindiot

Carrying out an actual chemical attack is foolhardy. Because OPCW and Russia can quickly identify the source and culprits. Thats why they fake it always.

Look how the Salisbury poisoning fiasco has boomeranged

Hii tulijua kitambo. @kyuktothecore hebu kuja kidogo.

Wale washenzi huwa glued to CNN/BBC 24/7 ndio walikuwa wanajua ni Assad amefanya hayo mambo. Those of us who use our brains insisted from the very beginning it did not make sense for him to launch a chemical attack just when he’s winning. Simple @Common Sense. The CNNs and BBCs cannot now publish this news because now their governments will need to explain why they launched missile strikes against Syria based on lies.

Cc @patco

hehe Putin hoped this story would occupy minds but alas his fellow communist is shaking hands in South Korea and taking all the limelight and glory and talking of full denuclearization. Shaking hands, hugging, brotherly love and togetherness (no homo). Interesting times ahead.

Peace is better than war. This business of weird news Putin and his media wanasema hivi, U.S. wanasema hivi… I also support a handshake in Syria. And the peoples of Syria should decide their own destiny.

Putin is happy when NK is happy. Because any strike against pyongyang will affect Motherland direct and indirectly.

Russia has one problem solved by the handshake of North and South. Sasa bado syria and ukraine

Putin is happy when NK is happy. Because any strike against pyongyang will affect Motherland direct and indirectly.

Russia has one problem solved by the handshake of North and South. Sasa bado syria and ukraine

You know @Kilpatrick, don’t believe all the hype you hear. Russia’s economy today is poorer than the state of Texas!

Na wakicheza very very soon Russia will be overtaken by Poland their former colony.

And without money hakuna mtu unatisha hii dunia! Hakuna!

There was a time many many many years ago when Kim Jong Un would’ve thought twice before he shook Moon jae In’s hand lest he annoys mighty Russia but that’s a very long time ago…

Putin is just beating a hollow chest just strutting around to win support back at home ati he’s a powerful world leader but he knows the truth. He’s doing it to remain relevant in Russia! When you release a bombastic news piece like the one I’ve posted above and no one on earth gives a fuck! Jua umeisha nguvu.

Yaani nobody cares whether Putin was right or wrong… that’s when you know you are fooling yourself when you say you are powerful.

Even Trump doesn’t care to answer back… ya nini, and he already bombed the bastards.

There was a time when you bombed a Russian ally na dunia mzima inatetemeka. Hata Uhuru angetumana to beg them please just calm down no need to escalate this… today no one cares whether Putin takes his case to the Hague or not. In the old days hata hangeenda Netherlands, Netherlands would’ve come to him!!

Usione simba amenyeshewa ukadhani ni paka. Trump wanted to hit Iranian and Russian assets during the missile strikes. But NON was fired in their direction.

Why do you think NON of Russian hardware or personnel was targeted?

Ama missiles za Trump are that blind?

On April 9, Israel bombed the T-4 airbase in Homs province, killing several Iranian military officers. Did Putin or his friends retaliate? Nope.

Juzi Putin alitisha watu vile he’ll retaliate after the recent allied strike bado tunangoja tuone.

Ever since the man took off his shirt and rode on a horse and swam in a river there’s a fascination with this dude ati he’s so powerful… oh please. What agenda does he set for the globe? Si afadhali hata China which is setting world agenda through trade and finance.

Honestly did you expect him to retaliate on behalf of the persians?

You havent answered my question. Why were Russian targets not targeted?

Putin said there would be repurcussions. Still waiting for said repurcussions.

Which russian targets? The Americans and their friends wanted the chemical weapons sites and they made that clear. The ball is in Putin’s court yeye ndio alisema there’ll be repurcussions after the strike.

You are an escapist. Trump WANTED to bomb Russian personnel and hardware which the US knows exactly where they are in Syria but his generals advised him otherwise. Ask yourself why

You want me to answer the obvious? America doesn’t want a war with Russia.

hehe @Kilpatrick which country uses chemical weapons to liquidate enemies? Si inajulikana wazi? Would they use them in Syria? Of course yes!

And for a fact it can’t be America because Americans cant shut the eff up! Before hata watumie whistleblower ashalipua story mzima.

By saying that you have admitted that Trump is a coward hehehehe asande

Its a huge pity that you still believe there was a chemical attack in Douma. You need prayers. Lol

wee na wewe kwani you want a nuclear war? It’s not about cowardice foreign policy is a dance that has been going on since the 1920s. Kwani hujui hii mambo? Na wakitaka kutukanana vizuri kuna nyumba iko hapo NewYork inaitwa U.N. building hapo ndio world war hupiganwa but not in the real world. Maybe you might have heard of the U.N. in your history lessons.

Even Russia told Americans to remove their people from Syria before bombing the place and that is a fact. In fact there was a joint intelligence committee formed between Russia, Iran, Turkey and Iraq to share intelligence against Isil and the U.S. was invited by Putin but they declined. Sio ati wanachukiana kabisa.Putin also decided to temper his language concerning retalition for the recent strike.