To My Fellow Christians, How Do You Answer the Challenge Evolution Poses to Doctrine?

If evolution is true, the God of the bible doesn’t exist… if He does, He has been economical with the truth.

That’s a logical deduction.

  1. If you believe in the Evolution of man from lower forms, as a Christian how do you merge that with the core doctrine that the Bible is the inerrant word of God?

  2. If you don’t believe in Evolution, do you have any scientific justifications? (Evolution is a scientific question, it makes sense to address it scientifically)

FYI: The purpose of this thread is to address the science-denier label that has, in my opinion, wrongly been tagged on the believer. The youth are leaving the faith because there’s no demonstration of power in the Church, and no scientific answers to scientific question of evolution.

Come one, come all. Let’s keep it civil.

@Purple being in the healthcare profession, your thoughts are most-welcome

The day we die, we’ll be like God, we’ll no longer exist.

Made me laugh… honestly.
I never heard this one before

Atleast you will be mbolea and help nourish some plant or tree.

yeah and feed some ants.

@Weird Nightmares @mozilla the idea that man is purely physical (materialistic) isn’t very accurate, though. There are serious scientific evidences for consciousness (what religion calls Spirit) functioning independent of the body. Near Death Experiences are excellent examples.

Here’s a paper (and there are hundreds more):

An interesting finding from the study:

The high percentage of [SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]accurate[/SIZE] out-of-body observations during near-death experiences does not seem explainable by any possible physical brain function as it is currently known. This is corroborated by OBEs during NDEs that describe accurate observations while they were verifiably clinically comatose.12 Further corroboration comes from the many NDEs that have been reported with accurate OBE observations of events occurring far from their physical body, and [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]beyond any possible physical sensory awareness

FYI: This is a study by the Journal of Missouri State Medical Association

Good case analysis, but remember that a human just happens to have a higher brain function than other creatures. Somehow even some drug usage stimulates OOBEs, you would hear weird stuff coming from the ones who experience this. A NDE experience would put the brain on overdrive so you can’t rule out it would create “ghosts” if I may use the word. The brain is a funny tool, you’ve heard of the people who suffer from hypothermia suddenly feeling very hot they even remove all clothes before they freeze to death?

The main issue I have is believing in things I can’t see.

There are false positives, like in every medical test, of course. But the scientific world has found "Further corroboration comes from the many NDEs that have been reported with [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]accurate OBE [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]observations of[COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)] events occurring far from their physical body, and beyond any[SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)] possible[/SIZE] physical sensory awareness

That’s the observation of scientifically verified data. People describing accurately, events that occur far from their body. They describe events from a bird’s view especially those that recalled their resuscitations accurately.

Beyond any possible physical awareness is a very strong statement. We cannot just brush it away to a matter of brain function when the literature doesn’t even suggest it.

Do you believe in macroevolution?
Do you believe in DNA?
Do you believe you have two kidneys?
Do you believe there’s a planet called Saturn, which has an asteroid belt?
Do you believe Darwin saw what he saw?

Do you see where I am headed with these questions…

In the words of Einstein: Look for what is, not what you think should be.

I’m not disputing the scientific results, but is there any evidence to rule out the possibility that the similarities of these OOBEs from NDEs are not due to similar brain structure? There was a study about dreams and their similarities across different individuals. Anyway, besides all that, my issue is the way the current religion groups ideologies have major flaws, and don’t make any sense. You can’t even have a sober discussion like this coz they catch very quickly and even cast lightning on you, which I’m yet to receive.

My guy,simply take the story of Alexander the great and the Ptolemies he divided his kingdom to when he died.Try and fit the stories into the bible then come back and tell me you believe in Christianity or religion anymore?

I am familiar with the literature citing dreams as possible explanations for OBEs. That’s possible, and very hard to prove or disprove.

That, however, isn’t my argument. I’m not arguing for the dream-like visions and whatnots, so your rebuttal is misdirected. My point is that there are verifiable and documented multiple cases where NDEs result in people making accurate observations of events and scenes that are removed from their bodies. The gist of it is that the events occur so far away from the proximity within which you can argue for sensory perceptions of any physical origin.

Someone is on the operating table, but sees what people are doing say five floors below him and is able to describe it accurately when he awakes. Note I say see, not hear. It is verifiable that they saw, and it is verifiable they were comatose and physically removed from the scene at the time.

The literature documents multiple occurrences of this nature. It’s hard to explain scientifically, and the literature concedes that. The idea of a spirit separate from the body doesn’t seem so whacky here is all I’m saying.

Different from what’s being discussed, but I’ll bite. What problem do you have with this?

I don’t think this would be a logical or consistent mode of deduction.

I don’t believe you only accept what makes sense to you. If I cited the various phenomena observed in quantum physics, I doubt you’d disbelieve it though you wouldn’t understand it. If you believe in evolution, I doubt you can make the claim that your belief is born of an understanding of the complexities therewith

Naona ukiwa demon

I understand what you are saying and have no qualms with it. But you are also misunderstanding my objections here. The idea about the spirit body could be deducted from the OOBEs study results, but it still does not prove that they all ain’t from a hyperactive mind during a extreme experience like the hypothermia fellas.

All those things mentioned above have a direct undeniable effect on us…some like plabets can be seen. God’s effect on earth cannot be felt or seen…the world is on autopilot.I don’t believe in talking snakes and donkeys, and ressurecting men…why should I believe in a Jewish story.

Naah, here I’ll disagree. As a science believer, I’ll go with what can be demonstrated and provable. Not alot of hearsay.
