Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “’Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; Revelation 18:4
I’ve always known Catholicism is fraudulent. Apart from having no sense in praying to Mary, Catholicism is dark and more profound than what is shown on a surface level. Watch this 7-minute vid, and share it with your Catholic friends and family. Make sure to take something out of it, it’s imperative.
Any church with a financial motive is fraudulent.
100% brother.
shughulikia kwako
That’s what I’m doing brother.
Most modern churches are led by the Devil. Not just the RCC
The next Pope should reinstate the Knights Templar. Jihadis wafinywe kidogo.
No need for mockery my friend.
They are running havoc in UK. I wonder how cucked Brits are to allow them do so.
So you think im mocking,you dont believe that i can? Interesting
Kinyooooosiiii niaje?
Praise God
Fiti mkuu. Uko mzima natumai?
The problem is most people do not take time to understand the Creator…
Too busy focused on what other people say …
The first commandment of God ( universal to all Christians , Moslems and Jews ) is :
"… and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “…Teacher , which commandment in the law is the greatest…??” He said to him , “'…You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart , and with all your soul , and with all your mind… ’ This is the greatest and first commandment…”
Not the Pope , not Mohammed not the prophets or priests … :D:D
[SIZE=5]let us research and wake up , mzungu jesus was man-made…[/SIZE]
Goes to prove my point exactly …
That over time , all manner of human thoughts , ideas , dogma , culture , prohibitions , pet peeves , customs etc …found their way into Holy Texts …and suddenly became interpreted as the words of GOD …
Just 2 examples :-
1/ Prohibitions to Work on the Sabbath.
Very strict in Judaism in particular to this day …
But Jesus Christ clarified that with the parable of the Donkey that fell in a hole on Sabbath by posing the question…
" …Was Sabbath made for Man , or was Man made for Sabbath …?? "
2/ Prohibitions on things to Eat.
Particularly among Jews and Moslems , the Pig and things that crawl (… Lobsters , Prawns …) are forbidden.
But again , Jesus Christ clarified …
Matthew 15:11- …“… Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man ; but that which cometh out of the mouth , this defileth a man…”