Tibim , Tialala and Wheelbarrows

After the dust has settled , you need to ask yourself very honestly …

Which of the opponents will guarantee the following :-

1/ a Visionary Nationalist Accountable Servant Leadership Class of Integrity.

2/ an end to Impunity , Endemic Graft , Tribalism , Cronyism and dirty politics.

3/ an equitable share of all resources to all citizens.

4/ immediate downsizing of all Governance structures , elimination of the Senate , governor’s and an elected parliament of 188 members ( 47 counties x 4 ) of which 50% must be women.

All political offices not to exceed a tenure of 2 x 5 year terms.

All county assemblies will be made up of not more than 30 elected members ( 50% female )and not more than 7 professional appointed members ( finance, administration, security, health , agriculture, educational and infrastructure ).

5/ an Independent Judiciary , Electoral body , Auditor General , National Ombudsman , National Defense Committee with tenure of office not exceeding 1 single appointment of 7 years.

Imagine the savings from just Government alone …

I want someone like this: Dictator, proud and arrogant, highly patriotic, willing to play dirty, development oriented, hates foreigners and a team player.

Hapo kwa women apana. Women wapambane with men na wakishindwa wakae home.

how can raila downsize while he has attempted to bring the whole the political class onboard? consequently lacking any agenda/direction. he is a person who believes people are useless and sharing the exchequer among a few rich men is his way to the top. he is not brave enough to take a side and tries to befriend everyone because he believes he has to be president this time at all cost.

i like this

You are damn right until you say 50% women. Kenyans should not be forced to have female leaders when there are clearly more female voters. This should not be a discussion in this country

None. But Ruto is ruthless and avaracious. And also still young and therefore capable of severely damaging Kenya for the nxt 35yrs.

Raila is the better choice.

Women are more than 50% of the population…
Are you saying we should dis-enfranchise them … ??? :D:D

I am NOT for any of them …

In a population of 47 million …
I am sure there are at least 2000-5000 who can be relied upon to be good custodians and watchmen of our National affairs … :D:D

Tuoshe mesho mkuu.

True… but these 2 politicians have the most political traction. The other 5000 kenyans dont

So choose one and declare him “Tosha”

Thomas Sankara
Samora Machel
General Murtala Muhammad
Flt Lt Jerry Rawlins
Julius Nyerere
John Pombe Magufuli
Paul Kagame

And there are many , many more who are living among us in plain sight …

One thing is very clear …
We must never allow wheelbarrow bottom-up hustlers to hijack our destiny … :D:D

Hobson’s Choice …
Bad and Worst …
I am not willing to settle for 10th best just to fill a position … :D:D

Tunapenda wezi and having blinders ,hatuoni hao 2k-5k

No, we’re saying watu wapatane kwa ballot


Stick to wanking with pics of obese women. This is beyond your iq level

What vision? What accountability? What integrity?
End graft? Ha!
End tribalism? Ha!
End cronyism? Ha!
Equitable share of resources? Ha!
Downsize government? Big Ha!
Look elsewhere for your messiah kijana, it’s easier for the messiah to be found at sabina joy than in our politics and especially not from the usual charlatans and snake oil merchants promising you the fountain of youth and eldorado all rolled in one and the philosopher stone thrown in the deal

It’s called the science of stupid

If you all want a pause and reprieve Mudavadi will be your best bet. I told you all last week. A perennial beggar or a perennial thief or pick none and choose the lonely shepherd.

I’m maragoli but that negro is too soft and undecided for my liking. He just spoils votes for raila