Nilikuwa dryspell for months. Nikaingia pale craglist i ordered a threesome for it was a fantasy. Applications zikaflow na pics. I chose 2 kungurus, one was yellow and the other a bit black. Because of dryspell, first shot came fast. When i was in campo i learned how to use the mind to control sex - do you know after the first shot, i worked on the kungurus for 1hr 30min wakahema ka tanks climbing on a hill and they never made me cum again! walichoka waakacha mjulubeng standing. Ushatomba ukishikwa kila mahali we utaka?
Kama ushakuwa ina 3some, leta experience
Mbisha or it never happened :D:D:D…
somebarry bring back CL…but wacha ifungwe tu ju i was using a lot of money for puthy…very addictive like drugs
@KaBuda come kiasi, ulisema threesome ushawahi though you came in the wrong one ikawa shida tena.
Kuna talker flani aliwaexpose hapa na sitaki kuexpose mtu - it’s not right. It did not cost me that much
nilijaribu threesome na momo mbili, I said never again!
leta hekaya
Pia mimi nishachapa 3some,pale Tricia hotel nikalipa 3500 na momo too.sai nafikiri bei imedouble
Second shot would have come second.
io pesa angelipa shule ya Gumbaru mahali asaidike kimaisha
Mine was not a threesome but I must admit those ladies in craiglist do know how to satisfy one
hekaya ikam faster faster
Bado unanyemela kunguru wa KU na pale Airport Zone Githu?
Haha Airpot zone wamama wamejaa its not worth it. KU gals we eat 'em daily (you just meet a gal request number, ist date anakupa vitu)
No hekaya in here, those ladies take their time and know exactly what you need, plus different styles
Ukitumia Left Palmella naRight Palmella at the same time, is that a threesome?
That’s a Wakanda salute:D:D
someone please tell me what is craigslist and how it works
ngoja wanakam
So here’s why CL removed personals section all across the world