Three bedroom cottage/villa

Wadau, saidieni mimi with a good 3 bedroom cottage at a friendly price in diani primarily, ama north coast. Child friendly pia muhimu.

Kiambu area Edenvil

Wewe ni kumbaff Sana. Kiambu Kuna ocean?

Tunaongea juu ya coast. Is it not clear?
@Meria Mata iko suggestions?

Kama uko serious inbox…ukunda kunayo plus connection ya ndae yakukupeleka from sgr to the cottages


Can i inbox you contacts of someone who can help you out?
He deals with tours and travels…he sets up good deals.

sema tu ni wewe ngombe hii ,we can smell your shiness from a distance.

I don’t do tours business.

Vile pseudomutheu amesema

Ngite are you the referral?

Afisa enda ukapimishe uniform ya utumishi choir , unasumbua.

Naomba to penetrate u with my monkey dick


:D:D:D:D:D you just had to finish the fight before it even started:D:D:D cold really cold

@Afisa hii kukandamizwa haina comeback

Swadakta hehehehe
RKO from out of nowhere.
Thanks for covering my back

Yes please

Kwani hakuna watu wametembea huko? Jina ya place pia ni usaidizi
