Thread ya Billionaire ilimalaysia kwa nini


Ni juu amemulika mod ama?

Ni kama imepatia mtu fulani feelings

Hii ni ya mtu kudelete mwenyewe juu alikaa cattle class


Ametuchafua mecho !

Cattle class? Oh god no!

Jamaa ako na cube moja.

Look at these luos on these thread talking bad about someone’s looks.Don’t get me started on your women.

Sasa you want them to come and discuss maids in your thread?

@shoti_mzito from that pic looks like you celebrate both father’s and mother’s day.

Ass a jaruo woman, I’m highly offended!

Niaje village idler?I knew you will quote me.Kwani wanaume waliishe GEMA community ukaona uende huko.Take good care of your luo family.

:D.Kula ndizi polepole.
Atleast I ain’t this idle.
Kujia sindiria

…this thread…this thread…
Umbwa hii.


Nukisha coomer mbali na mimi.Na uwache kunifuata fuata kila mahali.Continue putting your whore escapades threads.

KQ wanakuwanga n Cattle Class? What do they teach in that CATTLE CLASS?

Kunywa wd40 polepole.:smiley: