Thoughts On Apple Losing Its Magic

Interesting watch

Quite insightful.

A 400$$ increase is insane

the bezel around the screen of the iphone annoys me. Its just so big. I have never understood why they never reduce it

Apple’s products weren’t really aaall that. The company’s biggest asset was Steve Jobs and his reality distortion field. He was a genius at branding and marketing products. That’s why he was able to convince people to spend $1000 on products that cost less than $250 to manufacture. Now that he’s no longer around, Apple must come to terms with the fact that it’s just another tech company.


Yeah, lakini there’s always a dumb consumer who will do anything to acquire a product.

Guess its building a cult following that you need to have the latest iEverything

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usijali, i was on drugs

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Apple will follow the GoPro way. GoPro managed to create a cult around its hero line of products but when all camera companies began to develop cheaper action cameras through company’s stock and sales plunged