They negotiated a ceasefire with the state of Lebanon.
If Hezbollah had “won” the way they claim publicly, they would have nver even considered a ceasefire.
Indeed, they come out looking foolish because Nasrallah claimed that Hezbollah would not stop fighting until there was a ceasefire in Gaza.
Now see them having a ceasefire and soon 50,000 Israeli troops will be diverted to the Gaza front, including those that had been stationed on the Lebanese front since October 8th. So Gaza is about to get pummelled because Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire.
They ended up looking weak. Which they are now, given that the only reason Naim Qasseem is alive is that he is possibly one of Israel’s moles. Otherwise, he would have joined the list of all of Nassrallah’s past and potential successors who are currently dead
Regroup how???
The US and France are now on the ground monitoring the situation, the IDF has been given permission to bomb any Hezbollah who violates the ceasefire(which they have everyday since the ceasefire was implemented, especially along the border) and Assad is forcing the Hezbollah in Syria to fight for him.
Hezbollah is nearly dead millitarily given that the best and most experienced fighters are all dead.It may have political influence but Hezbollah is already starting to decay the way the PLFP decayed after Israel killed most of its leaders in the late 70s to 90s.
Hezbollah will face significant pressure from now on because the Lebanese army is being empowered by the West to take them on. North of the Litani, they can only store weapons in the Beqqa Valley, from which the IDF can easily monitor from the Golan Heights.They are not allowed to even show themselves south of the Litani river (One did yesterday and his truck was blown up).
Unless Hezbollah wants to take on the Lebanese army, the West, and the IDF combined, they are no longer a military force.
So we are in a position where we either believe the truth/false statement of Israel’s victory or the truth/false statement of Hezbollah’s victory
Wapi link ya this claim tuchambue?
Why is the Lebanon military moving south? How is Israel able to enforce curfew if Hezbollah won? How do you define victory in military warfare?
Kijana I’ve always known you as a certified wanker, didn’t know you were also a radicalized christian
Haya for you to understand the conflict, part of the ceasefire deal was to bar Assad from allowing Hezbollah in Syria to acquire weapons from Iran, but Hezbollah is assads baby , for they are part of the military that keeps him in power
The devil can’t be prisoned in a bottle, let Israel bomb Lebanon a few times, then Lebanese people cry foul, and Hezbollah is going to crank up it’s engine
You speak as if Lebanese force doesn’t know how Hezbollah operates
We ni ghassia, how was Hezbollah receiving weapon in Beirut airport while Lebanese army is present?!!
90% of Lebanese army is Muslim, if you decide to follow the propaganda of the west that’s fine, just a reminder there are no french forces in Lebanon, agreement was done with Lebanese parliament speaker, the army that is moving south is Lebanese but the loyalty remains with Hezbollah
Lebanon army can never raise a finger against Israel because it’s 70% funded by usa
Mimi I do not believe in that kind of dichotomy. The Israeli govt is as capable of lying to its citizens as any other govt. The obedient citizen template - as is common in dystopian hollywood movies where everyone unthinkingly obeys the central authority - is a a narrative mimi I cannot be found dead in. It is good to be skeptical of hezbollah. It is also good to be skeptical of govts including israeli govt. Please take note that I’m not making reference to being anti govt, being seditious or treason.
Wadau hezbollah has bombed the Israel cunts for truce violation. Hio ni latest development. This fool @GERALD9949 only follows western media propaganda without thinking. Hezbollah has always been pumped to destroy Israel
You sound like the most foolish and ignorant person ever.
The Lebanese army has for a long time been weaker than Hezbollah specifically because the Americans feared that if they equiped the LAF, American weapons would end up in the hands of Hezbollah. Hezbollah had free reign in Lebanon because after the Lebanese war of 2006, it was the only millitia that was allowed to keep its weapons while the Christian, Sunni and Druze millitia were disarmed.
90% of the Lebanese army is Muslim… LOOOOOOOL!! You think the Americans and French would be so foolish as to work with a Muslim dominated army?? The current LAF is dominated by the Maronite factions that gave up their arms then joined the LAF. THAT IS WHY LITERALLY EVERY GENERAL WHO IS A POLITICIAN INCLUDING THE INCOMING PRESIDENT JOSEPH AOUN IS A CHRISTIAN AND HE IS ANTI -HEZBOLLAH!!!
Do you know how foolish you sound??? Some of this information is common knowledge for anyone who knows Lebanon.
Even you contradict yourself, you claim
- Lebanon’s army is 90% Muslim(It isn’t. Sunnis and Druze are in the army but they are a minority. Shias are not represented much in it because they join Amal or Hezbollah)
- It is funded by the USA.
Why would the USA fund a 90% Muslim army, especially one comprised of Shias and Sunnis who very much hate Americans??
Can you hear yourself??
The LAF does not take on Israel, yes, in part because it is American funded but mainly because until Israel basically bombed Hezbolllah back to being a rag-tag millitia, it was weaker than Hezbollah. The US has also not had a major presence in Lebanon since 1982. They have returned and in a major way this time.
That is no longer the case now. The LAF is more powerful. Many Shias are leaving for Iraq and more Hezbollah will be forced to fight in Syria and die there.
The dream of making Lebanon Christian again is happening and with that, the peace that was there before 1975 when the PLO which was expelled from Jordan went on to damage the Lebanese-Israeli relationship, will be restored.
90% of Lebanese army is Muslim, you can cry all you want… The nonsense you hear on media about making Lebanon a Christian nation is retarded as your argument
You’re debating like pregnant trumancapote
Where have I said I’m Christian leave alone a radicalised one? Stop going for ad hominems and stick to the discussion. Should I assume you are a radicalised Muslim?
The argument was Hezbollah is still in south Lebanon as evidenced by the insurrection in Syria yet Iran says the rebels are funded by US. Look at the big picture to understand strategy and tactics. Why is it that at the tail end of Gaza attacks, South Lebanon lights up and at the end of the Hezbollah pummelling Syria lights up?
You avoided my question and went for my balls. How do you define military victory? Swali mboga kabisa that a non wanker like you can answer
How does this explain the insurrection in Syria that has made Russia move in?. I know Hezbollah and Assad’s relationship, but thanks for the refresher course. The theatre of war has a pattern. From south Lebanon Hezbollah has shifted it’s operations in Syria now they are being hunted down there. So who’s on the run?
Now you understand the dynamics and long term strategy. He doesn’t. He dichotomised the conflict as Muslims Vs Christians without factoring in the many political dynamics that weaponise religion down to denomination. He is myopic
I don’t take sides, I analyse. The moment you try to pigeon hole someone not agreeing with you your argument falls. Whoever wins wins I have no dog in the fight.
Your assertion isn’t well supported by the evidence you posted. Israel blocked an arms supply to Hezbollah over Syria. Does that show Hezbollah is strong or Israel is aware of their modus opera do and is able to intercept? Your evidence contradicts you (who’s wanking now?). The ceasefire like any, comes with active enforcement and means there will be engagements with those infringing it, all ceasefires leave a military presence like the Korean DMZ. For you to determine the victor in the war you look at the ceasefire formation. Who’s calling the shots?
AHAHAHAAHAHAHA!! The LAF has been majority Christian since the formation of the state of Lebanon and the majority of the top officials are still Christian!!
You are spewing nonsense!!
The current Lebanese Armed Forces was expanded after the Lebanese Civil War with the incorporation of Christian, Druze and Sunni millitias. Because Palestinian millitias could not join, it means Sunnis are few. Druze were never many to begin with. The only major Muslim sect that would have led to Christians being a minority in the Army would have been the Shia but the Shia opted to either join Amal or Hezbollah, mostly Hezbollah.
The sole reason why the US and France work with the LAF is because they know the Christians control it.
Josef Aoun, the incoming President of Lebanon is quite literally the head of the LAF and the LAF has never ever had a non Christian lead it so how is the LAF 90% Muslim when its entire leadership is Christian. LOOOOL!!