This Seems Reckless

A guy who recovered from an accident is leading a group to walk in the middle of a road full of traffic, where car breaks can and do fail, tires explode and all manner of unpredictable drunk driving is common. KWani hawajawahi ona london marathon barabara hufungwa kwanza na hadi kuna kuwa na police outriders kuzuia accidents?


You sound like an over-protective mother.

What if it goes according to plan?

Finish him kabisa

What if it doesn’t, then a whole group of senior government jubilee officials would be turned into a road stain by a single miscalculated driver, and for what?

If they wanted to put those safety measures in place, they probably would. Wouldn’t they?

You’re assuming someone was thinking of it and everyone wasn’t caught up in the euphoria of watching a cripple walk

This is exactly what am talking about
You never know which mad man is behind the wheel


Mickymafi unasumbua. Kwani what is worse that can happen? Si watagongwa tu, some wakufe na wengine wapelekwe hosii. Alafu maisha isonge tu.

What the hell?

:D:D Fat bastard, kwani zimekufyatukia?

Waambie wakupatie maziwa zirudi chini!

Mujamaa nlishakuambia sipendi violence

Would that be too bad?

I know you’re trying to be a callous edgelord but yes, loosing a whole group of adminstrative officials would be a major blow to the political stability of our fragile democracy

Kwani mickeymouse ako kwa hio hitlist ulipewa na @Introvert na @pamba ?

You talk like that’s a bad thing if it were to happen.


Ni akina nani wako kwa list?

Wakigongwa Kenya will be a better place.

Kenya would be a better place if that happened

Wale najua ni @johntez addi gaza msafi @Gaza na @Kììhiiiii Kiaganu