This new attempt to create a PM and a ceremonial President

Is dead in the water. I’m sure as Public Finance Committee is scrutinizing it, they’ve already concluded that it’s not going to pass.


In the proposed system, \

[li]the Office of the President will be given ceremonial duties and will lead to the creation of the positon of an executive Prime Minister who will be the head of government and leader of government business in the National Assembly.[/li][li]The PM will exercise the executive authority of the state with the assistance of two deputies. The PM will be appointed by the President within seven days of the first sitting of the National Assembly after an election.[/li][li]The other proposed duties of the PM will be to chair Cabinet meetings, direct and coordinate the functions of ministries and government departments, and assign responsibility for the implementation and administration of any Act of Parliament to deputy PMs.[/li][li]Mr Kamket is proposing that the PM be an elected member of the National Assembly with the additional role of leader of government business [/li][li]Scrapping of the Office of Deputy President.[/li][li]For one to be elected President, one will have to be aged 50 and above.[/li][li]The president will serve a single term of seven years and will be elected by a joint sitting of Parliament.[/li][li]The Bill also seeks to change the date of the general election from the second Tuesday of August to the second Tuesday of December of the fifth year.[/li][li]Every county, Mr Kamket proposes, will have two senators, a man and woman, but they will be elected by the County Assembly.[/li][li]Six other nominated senators will be nominated to represent the youth and persons living with disabilities.[/li][/ol]

That’s the import of it. I am kinda OK with the 7 year single term

Few questions

  1. Why should Kenyans delegate the duty to elect their leader (President and PM), one who will exercise executive powers to another entity (parliament)?
  2. Why should Kenyans elect a ceremonial figurehead?
  3. With the proposal to have 2 senators per county, would that not result in making us even more over-represented, more that we already are (considering how we are struggling to contain the wage bill)? Does the proposal include reducing the number of counties to not more than 18?

Away with this nonsense.

PS: This reads like the UK system of government.

Positives: This tribal nonsense will shift from common mwananchi, to parliament
Negatives: “Kukula reloaded” will be RE-loaded as oversight will still be under the control of parliament…

This! You can’t have oversight when you’re deep inside.

When they should find a way to scrap off senate, jinga flani inataka tuwe na senetors wawili. And who the hell is Kampet?

2 senators ni wewe na grandma

In essence ensuring that the Parliamentary tyrrany of numbers of Jubilee is permanently entrenched like the Mullahs of Iran.

The best way? Do away with political parties. Make the presidency rotational among the geographical regions that used to be the provinces.

Mimi naona we all get elected into government…we leave nobody behind! That way sisi woote tutakuwa ndani ya gava representing ourselves

Nothing to discuss here. No legislation(that also is dead in the water) can supersede the constitution. The only way to amend the constitution is by referendum. The several stages to do that make it impossible.

Wacha watu watengeneze jina. Now at least some people know so and so exists here, looks like this and is saying this.

Kudos to that man for trying to come up for something even though it’s umeffi .

Better a man like him who seeks out to build a political model that may solve a problem rather than one who chants sorcery phrases like Tibim and uses chaos .

If we had 50 people like him , at some point a brilliant model would pop up .

Dead on arrival idea! Hata ifike referendum tutaifanya kumira kumira :D:D:D

William Samoei Ruto’s wings being clipped in advance. Tumewaonea 18 haitapita

Waste of time

Tiaty constituents wameshiba?niatutigithie…we devolved the govt period and the current prezo is almost harmless

How can a few people take the responsibility of changing how the country is governed, shouldn’t such major changes be taken the public?
The proposal appears to be aimed at meeting certain personal immediate needs to hold office, and does not serve the long term interest of the country. When the mortals are no longer there the roles will be redundant and a waste of resources. The proposals may be attempting to create a hybrid parliament, the American and British, in one.

The American one serves them well, it is a large nation with multiple states some almost as large as Kenya, while the British one is another matter. The American system was rejecting the British one, of Monarch rule; which always asserted that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority. The British system arose as a result of the people’s rejection of the divine right of kings to rule without reference to any constitution or laws, Monarchs have a ceremonial role.

The proposal treats the role of president as that of a Monarch which is not subject to the will of the people via the ballot, yet in Kenya it is an electable position and bound by the constitution.
I good start is to start reducing the number of elected members of parliament\senators\governors, there is no need for several deputies. Too many cooks spoil the broth. The old provincial organisation of government just needed some refining and restructuring to serve a better a purpose.

The person running the country must get his mandate directly from the citizens. No backdoor paths to power in Kenya.