This Must be Highly Embarrassing

Siezi taka kujipata naishi kimangoto hivi


Ni warm up ya 2022 ama ?

Mwanaume bwege sana yule. Badala acharazane na ndume kamili lenye miraba minne.

That’s not how domestic abuse works you overgrown manchild. He is not looking for a man to beat. He’s exerting control over his property.

Kabla utuletee hicho kimonimoni gushi, ebu kwanza panguza makamasi. Chieth!

How old are you? Ng’ombe hii inakaa huelewi chochote. Endelea kufikiria kama kihii ya class two kwenye watu huulizana “unaeza nipiga?”

… and you do this by beating your wife? This is weak mehn!

He’s doing what society has conditioned him to do. People don’t fight because they’re beating their wife. It’s a nuanced and complicated society-wide issue. Hapa hakuna mtu ana haja na virtue signalling zako.

Women get beat up all the time, it’s society. Shit happens when human being interact inside social constructs.

What am wondering is why all those stupid men are standing there watching…I guess it is normal over there…shenji sana.

It’s not about fighting with fists, the goal is to maintain control and exercise it.

buda , where do you come from ? kuingilia spouses wakipigana inakuwanga noma, unaweza pata umekatwa mkono ama umepoteza macho for nothing halafu jioni walale pamoja wakikudiss.

Unless ni relative anapigwa, ondokea

kama ni dada yangu amepiga hivyo nauua nyoka

This rationalization works just fine until it’s your sister or daughter being subjected to the same treatment.

So wewe kama ndume huwestumia akili zako kufikiria juu it’s society. What bullcrap is that?

Mayuu unaheshabu a minimum of $10,000 to prevent you from doing time. Domestic violence is a costly affair in some jurisdictions.

Truly you are more stupid than I thought, kuchapa mtu and you didmt give birth to her ,am not a feminist but that man should be in jail .that’s gross unachapa mtu na amebeba mtoto why not divorce her?

:D:D:D:D mwanamke alikuwa anajifanya Master, using the kid as a shield juu anajua mzee hawezi mpiga, when they took the kid she knew shiit was going down, ilibidii ajaribu kuingia mitini:D:D but mzee pia ataki mcheso

I agree akianani if that’s my daughter or child I will destroy that man completely ,I will sue him and as he rots in jail destroy him. But such men are the ones who marry daughters of poorest on Earth ,he knows she has no one to stand for her, hizo nyangau zimesimama hapo badala ya kuaccept spirit ya save that ho zinaangalia tu mama watoto wadogo Kama hao amalizwe, this doesn’t happen at my homeplace

Bibi lazima awekwe laini.

Agreed!! But kama si kujibishana then no need for touching her, because dialog can work