This message sits here- Muigai wa Njoroge

Huyu anaongelesha KT men…:D:D:D:D:D:D

Very wise message

Kifeee would approve this message…:D. Na Muigai ni Kadinya pia…KT should be his home…

Good message.
But this singer is very gloomy and moody.
Eshiragia andu marenda kumuiya mbesa.
He is a @Midget with an attitude.

Wewe unamchukia coz he led us against Uhuru’s advice:D:D. He took a very risky stand and it paid off. His music has a very big fanbase, kuna watu wanaimba word for word, just not for me either.
He further lost my marks when I heard hata hajajengea mama yake mzazi. Ninini anatwambia jameni?

Very mean dude.
Pande ya politics, he was just lucky …

Washana na Muigai, FA Cup final mtalimwa kama burukenge.

:DKiwaru gulp gulp gulp…