This Kamba Amar Poko loves stick.....I know many talkers have had an experience with her..


mbona anavaa viatu kwa nyumba?

siwezi mind kumwaga kwa hio turkey neck

200 mwisho

angusha namba tukakule pesa ya hustler

Anakaa wale husimama luthuli. Anadai twende shot sweetie. Siwezi lipa more than 150

Lakini si wakamba wote wanapenda stick?

huyu anapenda excess ata kama ni biashara…Akisikia d****Ck ni tamu inageuka from biashara to love making…uliza elders wenye wamempitia

she is beautiful kwanza akivaa dress

Uliconclude hii analogy aje kwani uko na deek mbili eti ulimkula na moja si tamu ikawa biashara alafu ukamkula ni Ile tamu ikawa love making? Mashafu priiiis…

Kujipigia debe

Kuna mwingine Amar also kamba. Looks like the first pic but is shorter

From tomorrow through to the weekend atatafutwa sana. The power of marketing!

Someone had posted here the first picture over a year ago

Shida iko wapi mtu yangu,watu waliacha kutumia mop na dasta

Amar here i come

Finally someone had to attach,
Wrote in my reply a few weeks ago,
She is as good as it gets and clean…

Si ka baya

Angusha 07s zote mbili tulete reports…

Currently enjoying a cold one here at the counter near the entrance. It’s already a beehive of activities

Mapema sana for a cold one, anyway, unaona any petite lightskins?

Wapo all sizes, sipping from strawed sodas and water bottles. Either their legs slightly apart to lure the prey or cris-crossed so reveal some thigh