This is the extent of your peasantry


Our mzungu neighbour in nakuru had a private plane/ private airstrip, wasn’t really a big deal back then. He used to fly his kids to school every day…very cool kids…wife was also super hot, used to teach us how to ride horses once in a while…watu wa nakuru kiamunyi hapa you know the guy though he later relocated to naivasha when peasants like us bought land next to him …he only pissed us off when he once unleashed hundreds of mole snakes to deal with moles in our area…we would literally step on snakes everywhere we walked…it was a nightmare

Half mole half snake ama the other way round?

Where would the plane land when he flew his kids to school?

You know that you can lease ( rent) a plane. It’s just like renting a home in Kileleshwa when you can’t afford to buy one.

No idea bro all I remember is coming across snakes with full tummies after swallowing whole moles/rats…very scary yet very harmless serpents

Never bothered to find out but I remember he would bring them back every evening tukiendea maziwa kwao. They used to produce hundreds of litres every single day!

Hata Turi iko.

:D:DNo doubt, akili yangu iko mushy saa hii

Hizi shule za wazungu ziko na place za kuweka plane na chopper mzae. Your peasant vision is limited to matatu and Probox transport pale Murang’a, allow me to open your eyes

Is this the new way to celebrate land grabbers and our oppressors by silencing the natives? Ushenzi

labda hyiyo shamba na airstrip ilikuwa ya babu yake and he is busy praising the colonial relic…

Reminds of the late Hans zwager- founder of Oserian flower company had an airstrip around lake Naivasha.
It’s still there actually.

:smiley: hapo uko na point

Zwager alikufa?

Yes. He was too old then.
In 2016 but the son Peter zwager is now the Director.