Mi kwangu in-laws hukaa for a while ni brother or sis za wife. Wazazi wanakuja mchana until latest 6.30 pm. Good thing parents in law understand the importance of keeping healthy boundaries.
You might be a @1776 but you have 0 brains. Thinking that language picked over two three weeks of staying with cucu will totally affect the language learning curve ya 1777,who is only 1.5 years old, is nothing but ignorance of the highest grade.
Let the guy learn whatever words he can from cucu.
Na sasa vile unamprotect,na akianza kutembea nje saa ile uko hustle… Let me not even think about stupid you sound.
It is embarrassing when you are introduced to people from your tribe and you do not speak the same language. Most of the time they do not even give you business and opt to give it to other people who can speak the native tongue. I keep saying I will go to ACK school of languages and learn at least one indigenou langauge.
Mujamaa how is the last part of your hekaya helping in this situation?
evidently i wasn’t clear.no one is saying he shouldn’t learn. but i personally believe not too soon when he’s just starting to speak.
i cannot be turning to ask someone “what has he said” when he comes to speak to me.
he will learn to speak my dad and mum’s and his mum’s language. i personally speak 3, so i’m not averse to him knowing.
anyway, i’ve heard ya’ll. thanks for the input.
kuna shida gani mtoto akifunzwa kiduruma?
Niaje Kababa?
not cool. I will learn my peoples language.
What a FOOL!!!
Did you learn all the three languages when you were 1.5 years old?
Dude give the little man a break. Please!
Na umkumbushe kuheshimu the elders
Thats why intermarriages rarely work…juu mtoto wako atafunzwa lugha ambayo si yako…honestly my son should speak my mother tongue as a father
Huyu huwa kalejinga. Naeza shangaa na nicheke sana nikigundua ameoa mungikiress, na vile kanakuwanga na ukabila.
I am not a Kalenjin.
Where have I ever exhibited tribalism?
sio wewe ni huyu boyo mwenye thread
he hates/despises his inlaws’ tribe.
just yesterday i met a 23-year old young man born and brought up in Nyandarua where the parents even bought a shamba but who cannot speak to his neighbours in their language. i suspected their parents discouraged them from learning “that language” when they were young.
ni Wa kisii?
Just calm down. OP blocked me eons ago, so he’s already confused when you quote me. Let’s not confuse him further :D:D:D
man, coming from you of all the villagers…anyway it has nothing to do with hating a tribe, but everything to do with early stage communication