this is kenya....childish gambino parody

this is kenya…everybody corrupt now
everybody is a thief now…gava is trippin nah

the potholes have roads nah,
the killer cops b acting up

scandals after scandals b coming up…we got screwed like yeah
NYS money be gone eh, doctors from cuba woooow!!

tano terror we be having now.

this is kenya, political party been cashed out,
crooks in pulpits robbing us like aaaay!!


endeleeni huko…

childish gambino ni nini?

spare part ya sub marine,hapitakani grogoo,hadi sides za indaa:D:D:D:D:D

:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dtuna sup-marine lake fictoria?

Me thinks it has something to do with the Gambino family?
Though sielewi the childish part.

:Dsi canal?