this is how to Meditate, Improve Memory, DNA Repair, Beat Insomnia, Lucid dreaming, Astral projection

I myself recently started practicing meditation. The impressions of this practice are only positive.
Meditation is also good because unlike homeopathy, most types of osteopathy and other unconventional methods, it doesn’t really claim to cure all diseases. The contemplative practices we’re talking about today didn’t come into being originally to cure diseases. Buddha didn’t start doing it to cure depression or cancer. I think it’s very important not to think that meditation is good for everything. I remember the Dalai Lama was once asked about this a few years ago. He said: ““If meditation is so good for everything, then why does my knee still hurt?”” We think it can change the attitude to pain, but not cure the cause of that pain.
However, existing research shows that meditation is more or less effective in dealing with stress, depression, anxiety disorder, and hypertension - the American Heart Association explicitly recommends meditation.
But meditation isn’t a substitute for basic treatment. Medication and psychotherapy have never been cancelled. On the other hand, in various psychiatric disorders, the threat of side effects and deterioration is higher. If a person is at risk, he or she is better off meditating under the guidance of a person who is professionally involved in mental disorders.
I know that some people see meditation as a way to cure their disorder and they practice it very intensely. But more it’s not always better. So you need a good leader. Everyone else can start with special applications and any other instructions.

hatari sana