This is Guka - We Are Finished. Hakuna Future...

No, this is not about the gavament.

It’s about what our society is morphing into.

Let me use parenting.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the experience of observing a young matha interact with her dauta of about five months.

Nimeshangaa sana. Zero parenting skills. Zero.

The matha seems to think that loving her dauta is the same as giving her full attention 24/7. Akikohoa kidogo, mama ako hapo. Akilia she’s immediately bebwad anaanza kubebelezwa. Eti ‘mamie ni nini, bla bla’ And the silly matha holds a conversation with the baby the whole day!

It just stupid, but I don’t have a say because the matha is not my blood relative.

Young parents - and I am guessing there are a number here - must realise infants and babies are not eggs. They will not break if left alone to cry for a while. All a good matha needs to do is feed and check diapers. Mtoto akilia after that muwache. Atazoea.

What this extreme fussing over a baby does is create a complex dependency and emperor-child syndrome that will extend into later years. The kababa and kamamie epidemic - weak little shits all over who think the world owes them and can’t even take a ‘no’ from a love interest without committing suicide or murder.

Wakati wetu, when strong men and women were made, you were basically independent at two coz you already had a kid sis or bro na matha alianza hustle second day after you were born. By 3 you were an accomplished chef, warming uji and roasting potatoes.

Ukivujika mkono falling from a mango tree at four unachapwa eti you needed to have had a better grip, then unapelekwa hospitali.

Parents wachanga, your kids start learning from DAY ONE. If you respond to their every whim they become manipulative from even two months. And it’ll go on and on…

Your child is not special or really that important - millions will be born today around the world. The only way to make yours special is to start giving him/her (no @Azor Ahai, I am not going to use your ferking pronouns you gender fluid asso) the necessary life skills from DAY ONE.

How many children do you have?
Tuanzie hapo…

What a shallow analysis!

Some of you are actually jerks because your parents never gave you enough attention and it shows.

Others are just jerks because they choose to be. Their motto is “ferk the world”…
Early life stress can adversely influence brain development and reprogram brain function and consequently behavior in adult life. Adequate maternal care in early childhood is therefore particularly important for the normal brain development, and adverse early life experiences can lead to altered emotional, behavioral, and neuroendocrine stress responses in the adulthood. As a form of neonatal stress, maternal deprivation/separation is often used in behavioral studies to examine the effects of early life stress and for modeling the development of certain psychiatric disorders and brain pathologies in animal models. The temporary loss of maternal care during the critical postpartum periods remodels the offspring’s brain and provokes long-term effects on learning and cognition, the development of mental disorders, aggression, and an increased tendency for the drug abuse. Early life stress through maternal deprivation affects neuroendocrine responses to stress in adolescence and adulthood by dysregulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and permanently disrupts stress resilience. In this review, we focused on how improper maternal care during early postnatal life affects brain development resulting in modified behavior later in life.

Kuna mtu naona alikuwa anafungwa kwa mti mama akifanya kazi sasa anataka watoto wengine pia wafungwe ndio ikuwe draw.

Very good response.

I believe the issue cited in the portion you have quoted is the TOTAL deprivation of maternal care. That of course is not good.

I am talking here of the other extreme.

Enough…and I am the first born so I’ve brought up a lot of kids, 90 per cent of whom are very successful…

I hope none of them has to live with the trauma of a nine-inch Luo anaconda terrorizing their wives’ cunts so that they have to spend the rest of their days miserable lamenting over petty things on the internet.

I haven’t encountered any studies showing that what you consider to be excessive maternal attention leads to adverse behavioural problems or even delinquency.

Have you considered that a change in societal structures and lifestyle may lead to parents being the sole source of attention and affection for children? The way some people grew up in the past ilikuwa you were surrounded by the rest of your family such that even if your parents weren’t paying attention to you your aunts, uncles and the rest of the family, including grandparents, were there to supplement the affection that a child required.

I dont believe you. You might have grudgingly financed the upbringing of a child or two but you come across as lacking any compassion and being a narcissist. Parenting takes a lot of selflessness and softens you if you do it right. I dont believe that you are a father, never mind a parent.

Wee mzee, growing up is about realising and accepting that your parents did their best with what they had. If you’re at a better place than they were (e.g. your wife isn’t going out to hustle just days after giving birth) then why expose your kids to unnecessary hardship? Wewe ulikuwa unachemsha uji at 3 years old because of other circumstances that forced you to grow up fast. Not because your parents liked it. You’d be surprised, given a second chance they would probably be much softer on you during infancy. That’s why grandparents spoil their grandkids so much. Age (and regrets over how they raised their own children) makes them realise you really don’t have to be that hard on little kids in the name of preparing them for life.

That’s why your life is fuqqed up because of the tough upbringing. You see how negative and toxic you are even in your heading. Your parents ruined you psychologically and you are here praising them for that.

Hii post ya OP imeenda south very fast. I sometimes smile nikijua even if there are always chokosh wars here, some people wako na familia na wnatumia akili

Lack of maternal care causes children to become sociopaths and extreme narcissists.
Between the age of 1 to 3 years, that’s when infants need a lot of attention because their subconscious mind is being programmed.

@FieldMarshal CouchP is just jealous because he’s dating a single mother who is close to her child. So kuna siku alisema mtoi wa single mother alifanya akanyimwa after amenunua nyama choma na soda?

mtoi lazima apewe attention , hatutaki our girls growing up looking for attention all over kufanya umalaya

Peleka hii upuzi kwa chama kesho. That’s when most chamas are held.

Siku hizi ghaseer inalea mtoto mmoja na kazi ni ku-complain vile amechoka, because they’re letting the kid order them around. Mtoto atabadilishwa nguo mara tatu in the course of the day juu mamake hataki akue mchafu. Anachokozana huko nje na akichunwa mamake anakuja akifoam kwa mdomo akikuuliza kama unajua uchungu wa kuzaa. As if she’s the only one who’s ever given birth. Mimi meffi hailipi rent ama ku-cover daily expenses haiezi weka conditions kwa nyumba yangu, whatever their age.

Baby boomers you really miss the days when children were just possessions that you could treat as you pleased

A stressful childhood is comparable to living in a Syrian warzone. PTSD at an early age