No, this is not about the gavament.
It’s about what our society is morphing into.
Let me use parenting.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the experience of observing a young matha interact with her dauta of about five months.
Nimeshangaa sana. Zero parenting skills. Zero.
The matha seems to think that loving her dauta is the same as giving her full attention 24/7. Akikohoa kidogo, mama ako hapo. Akilia she’s immediately bebwad anaanza kubebelezwa. Eti ‘mamie ni nini, bla bla’ And the silly matha holds a conversation with the baby the whole day!
It just stupid, but I don’t have a say because the matha is not my blood relative.
Young parents - and I am guessing there are a number here - must realise infants and babies are not eggs. They will not break if left alone to cry for a while. All a good matha needs to do is feed and check diapers. Mtoto akilia after that muwache. Atazoea.
What this extreme fussing over a baby does is create a complex dependency and emperor-child syndrome that will extend into later years. The kababa and kamamie epidemic - weak little shits all over who think the world owes them and can’t even take a ‘no’ from a love interest without committing suicide or murder.
Wakati wetu, when strong men and women were made, you were basically independent at two coz you already had a kid sis or bro na matha alianza hustle second day after you were born. By 3 you were an accomplished chef, warming uji and roasting potatoes.
Ukivujika mkono falling from a mango tree at four unachapwa eti you needed to have had a better grip, then unapelekwa hospitali.
Parents wachanga, your kids start learning from DAY ONE. If you respond to their every whim they become manipulative from even two months. And it’ll go on and on…
Your child is not special or really that important - millions will be born today around the world. The only way to make yours special is to start giving him/her (no @Azor Ahai, I am not going to use your ferking pronouns you gender fluid asso) the necessary life skills from DAY ONE.