This is Guka - The Blind Cats of Kijabe, a Slow Monday Production

Growing up in the misty green rolling hills of Kijabe, one of the intractable problems we could not solve was cats going blind. Not only ours - the entire village’s.

Imagine that - hundreds and hundreds of blind cats roaming everywhere knocking onto stuff. It was comical were it not so sad.

Yaani one minute you have a nice cuddly cat the following day the darn thing can’t see!

It wasn’t until we took one to the vet that we knew the cause of the blindness.

Guys, guess what it was?

Kuosha Mecho huko Ktalk ya 1930s?

some pesticide used in the farms

Mastitis ??

How does mastitis (tit inflammation) lead to lose of sight? Wacha zako.

No sir.


guka sisi hapana guess guess maneno,sema ni nini chap chap


No sir.

OK, the cause of the mass cat blindness was…


Those days, Kijabe had millions of chameleons everywhere. Apparently after cats ate them the skin pigment that makes chameleons change colours would lodge in the lens of the cats’ eyes making them blind!

You learn something new every day!


Tectonic waves, or solar alignment

Guka ndio huyu Mathaais


1720 mulikuwa na vets ama charlatans , jinga muzeee . na kwani hizo pigments paka ilikuwa inakula pigment inaenda kwa macho badala ya kwa tumbo ? so nikikula chamelone fry na ugali mbili na skuma ntakuwa blind ?



I’m sorry but a vet somewhere is still laughing at you. Chameleons cannot make anything go blind, much less eating them. Like any other animal, when cats eat, food goes to the stomach. The worst that can happen is bombastic mharo…

@Kaffir is much closer to the truth. Sudden onset blindness in cats is caused by hypertension.

Guka acha zako we grew up in farms too and had cats those things would chew on chameleons all the time and nothing happened !


Even when you eat mercury-ridden sugar or take poison it goes to the stomach, right? Ujinga ni kipawa…