The Chinese better be tough; the mzungu will do any thing - ANY THING - to bring them down, including starting what they consider will be a limited nuclear exchange.
The reason is simple; the Chinese have forever debunked the myth/fallacy of White superiority which has reigned for the last 400 years. It is an unforgivable sin.
The Koreans and the Japanese? These are just vassal states to the West. Their development can conveniently be attributed to their adoption of what is glibly called ‘Western values’.
Not the Chinese.
These incredible people have forged their own socio-economic system that has pulled over 600 million people out of extreme poverty in 30 years, something that has never happened in the history of mankind. What’s more they have done this without colonising or enslaving anybody! They have not conquered or ‘genocided’ any one.
Contrast that with the Caucasian, who has looted, pillaged and raped the world for 400 years, destroying entire civilisations in South America, North America, Australia and Africa. Even poor innocent animals were not spared the Caucasian bloodlust. Big fauna in Africa - elephants, rhinos, lions, giraffes, buffaloes - almost reached extinction populations in the last century due to what was conveniently called ‘sport-hunting’. How killing an innocent animal going around its business in the African savannah can be ‘sports’ is beyond most normal human beings. But Caucasians aren’t normal human beings.
To the real human race and the globe they have been an insidious, evil killer and destroyer almost as worse as the dinosaur-extinction asteroid. They have literally wiped out entire species and peoples around the world. Rest in peace, dear dodo. We now all face incredibly difficult times because of the global warming they have caused.
Incredibly, in recent years, the Caucasian has re-invented himself as the guarantor of human rights, the saviour of the globe and the messiah heralding a new, better world order. We should not remember the genocide of the aborigines of Australia, who were raped so comprehensively that they today look more Caucasian than indigenous. We should not remember the biological warfare waged against the Herero of Namibia or the Sioux of North America using diseases such as small pox. We should not remember the destruction of the Aztec Empire through disease and sword by the Spanish, or the wanton killing of animals around the world.
Europe is the only continent in the world without an animal bigger than the wolf - they killed them all. Even China, that much-maligned ‘evil empire’ has elephants and pandas in the wild. Not Europe. The Bisons of North America, the biggest herbivore there, survive only because they retained relative protection in ‘native reservations’!
And it all wasn’t a long time ago.
Straight from bombing Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, killing millions - MILLIONS - the Caucasian is protesting the alleged genocide of Uighurs by the Chinese! What balderdash! Here in Africa, the same people who killed millions of our animals (and people like the Herero, the Nandi and the Mt Kenyans) are now the conservationists who are blocking every project that is supposed to help uplift the well being of our people, such as railways, ports, power stations and even roads ostensibly because the pass through ‘conservation hotspots’.
I refuse to be a victim of disinformation. I support the Chinese to win a new global order.
But to do so, the Chinese must forego their gentle, soft mien. They are dealing with a sub-species that knows nothing but killing to achieve its goals. Ask Saddam. Ask Sankara. Ask Patrice Lumumba. Ask Gaddafi. Ask Gbagbo, who until recently was rotting in a European jail.
Or go and listen at the graves of hundreds of indigenous children in Canada, who were killed to save them from themselves.