It is the late George Saitoti who said, in mathematical English, that ‘there come a time’.
For me that time has come. I have made my calculus and come to a conclusion; I have to declare my stand as far as the coming elections are concerned, and hopefully win one or two of you to my side in doing so.
But before I make my declaration, let me say this.
As an older, fairly well-educated person, I have great hopes for my country. We have all it takes to take off as a country, and indications are that we starting to do things right. Our Judiciary, long the weakest link in governance, is waking up from it’s slumber.
Our road infrastructure has improved tremendously, and almost 90 per cent of households are connected to electricity. Our Internet is among the best in the world, and our young people are well-educated.
Despite all our ethnic and governance problems, especially corruption, we remain a beacon of stability and democracy in sub-Saharan Africa.
Which brings me to the forthcoming election.
I fervently believe that whichever side wins, Kenya will win. Both DP William Ruto and his erstwhile competitor, Raila Odinga, are great patriots who will want to make a difference and prove a point. They will work for this country. This bonds well for Kenya. We can only move ahead. I wish them both well.
Having said this, I Field Marshal CouchP have only one vote. It is a vote that I hold dear, and which I don’t give easily.
After great consideration and deep reflection, I hereby disclose that I, The Oracle of Ndeiya, a pureblood Mugachiku wa Mbari ya Waweru, cut and circumcised at Kieni on the foothills of the Aberdares, will on the August of 9 be voting as my president the very Rt Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga.
I mention my ethnicity and rites of passage not because they matter much, but to emphasize that I am one of those progressives who do not consider these matters to be of any importance as far as the choice of a leader is concerned.
I hope my candidate will emerge victorious, but whoever wins I pray my beloved Kenya emerges stronger and more prosperous. I have no other country, no other mother.
I ask you to vote wisely and peacefully, and may the best candidate win.
Field Marshal CouchP
Patriot. Seer. Pureblood. The Oracle of Ndeiya.