This is Guka - For A Special Gal

You sang for me juzi. I can’t sing for you with all these tubes in my face.

But this old song, which I used to listen to back in the 60s should do.

It’s almost 2 am and I cant raise you and am distraught. I needed to hear your voice.

The docs don’t know why my blood pressure is rising but I do. Hope you are safe and cool.

Gal! Much love!

octogenarian chieth just die na ukamue phyl pia

Githee, take it cool. You might not b3 as old as y0u think :D:D:D.

Hapa kuna watoto siwezi kukutwa na wao at any place on earth.

Speedy recovery. Wishing you all the best.

We will pray for you, long live field Marshall

I used to be a fan of his too. The song “jet plane” drives shivers in me. It’s a shame that he died of the same plane crash he was singing about. Very talented fellow. . Exercise can help lower blood pressure. Wish you speedy recovery

:eek::smiley: not going for mugithi any time soon

Pole Guka,Wish you a quick recovery.Please look for some young blood to boost your blood circulation…


Grandpa, niatia , Fanya tizi,
Hako kadame kana kuvunja moyo kakatie vizuri roho isikue powder

pray my graceful lady,what can i do inorder to have a taste of your voluptous grotto wealth?

Get well soon early-man.

we dont need your stale homosexual jokes

Heshima @pseudonym. Yeye hapana village girl ambao umezoea


muteso niaje

Of late umebehave

Kspot ili malaysia hivo ? sasa dem wangu makena ako wapi ?

Don’t know what you talking about

Be well guka, hopefully docs will find the right mix of meds to stabilize it soon. Be more worried of the cold, warm socks and an extra blanket will do you good. (wanted to make a joke about blue pills but didn’t feel appropriate, so go ahead and compose one in your head.)