The docs tell me me I will live. Which brings me to the point, why should I? The world is 4.5 billion years old. Hata nyinyi who are calling yourselves youths will be dead soon, just like me.
I repeat, the earth is 4.5 billion years old. WHAT MAKES YOU AS A ‘YOUTH’ THINK YOU HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN ME, just because we are 25 years apart, when you consider everything else?
Do you know in 5000BC, 100AD, 1100AD, 1600AD, etc etc there were youths? What makes you think you are so special? DO YOU KNOW I WAS A YOUTH IN THE 1970S?
Look boys and girls, grow up. You ain’t special or anything. Just hang in there and hope to grow old.
Ng’ombe muzee.
Many years back, Langata Road morning traffic.
A white 3-door BMW very slightly rear ends a 1978 Mazda RX7 running on a 2600cc inline 6 single turbo Nissan Skyline engine.
That was you.
Nilikusamehe…only coz my car is solid.
Wacha kusumbua.
I think you come into the world, learn, work and live life to the fullest. And hopefully help others while you can.That way you have no regrets on your way out. Or is it to late for this?
Mzee hata kama unaenda next minute the doctor will tell you otherwise. By the way, ile siku utaenda cha ukweli, tutajuaje?(Don’t try those shenanigans you did in Klost on us)