this inspired me

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Senator 031, Laikipia County 2017.

Aaaarrggghhhhh… From a leader of a sect which butchered people to being an aspiring senator… Oooohhhhhh mmmyyyyyy… Bravo KENYA


Huyu jamaa in a leader only born with an aluminium spoon in his mouth. How he came up with a sect is still a mystery to many.

Did you mean a clay spoon?

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Tuko Pamoja, the future of Kenya is shinning bright.

I have to give it to this guy. Considering all the bad things he has done he can pull the masses. If he had good intentions would lead a great people. Everyone seems to listen to him and he can pull a crowd. Even Raila in his quest to become president aligns himself with this criminal.

Such people are not bred, they are born.


Illusion of knowledge at its best. @kah tony you are a disgrace to the society.

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criminals are in jail so don’t make your own judgments here, and then refer to the 48 laws of power

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Let’s say, if over 80% of Kenyan Youths were in gainful employment, and there was law and order in society, do u think this guy would be this ‘popular’ ?


he has empowered most of youths bought over 100 matatus, some have motorbikes, land only that such things govt couldnt let you know


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Empowered my ASS.

if you didnt benefit keep off
the man to give ruto a run for his money come 2022

Kenya is a failed state


boss u r dreaming! this criminal doesn’t sleep in one house more than once, the government doesn’t want to kill him but his old friends.
The wealth he amassed from his theatrics back in the day is legendary.


heheheehe Kenya ni noma hata well known druglords Artur Margaryan and Sargasyan walipewa assistant commisioner of police , Ocalan alipatikana kenya , Kabuga anakunywa jameson mahali hapo Gigiri hata Konyi nashuku ako hapo mt elgon anachoma mahindi

continue the list


usiongee mambo ya kusikia kwa gazeti, unakubuka sonko akisema kuna watatu wamepangiwa kuuawa yeye, maina na saitoti what happened? saitoti died, maina is hard to kill sprayed with bullets but survived. ask usipayuke tu na mambo hujui

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@Chifu this is your backyard… I wanna hear from you braza

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Hio Saitaan venye iliuwa vijana in Central, then someone somewhere will vote for him leaves a lot to be desired. Atembee Kiambu aonane na wazazi wenye aliulia vijana wao


General Butt Naked is a preacher

Johnson who cut off Samuel Doe’s ear is a senator.