This country is bad joke !!![ATTACH=full]302053[/ATTACH]
Of course there are some shitty overpriced houses too but Milimani has got that old money look and feel. New money wamejenga very nice houses there.
Mimi mbillionaire hata nikipatia hiyo 70 million naenda SA na sitakosa kununuwa nyumba mbili kubwa with super amenities (,nice interiors,big garage,swimming pool,gazebo,guest wing,better lawn…) in cape town as in lavington,runda ya cape town…Real estate in 254 is highly overated
[quote=“Purple, post:20, topic:223377”]
Another jewel also in Milimani…
Kshs 110 million!! :D:D:D
[/QUOTE ati 110 million?it’s very painful to read:D:D:D:D[/QUOTE]
This house goes for kshs 54 million pale Texas. It’s called respecting your hard-earned money.
Master bathroom…
70 million unaishi Sandton Joburg or some swanky beach fromt estate kama Clifton in Cape Town. Far from Vimbistan.
$540k seems kidogo for that superb mansion. The fittings even colors are done to tastefully. What acreage is it sitting on??
Hapa Kenya rogue cowboy developer atakuitisha *6 that amount without batting an eye. For a monstrosity. Anyways Njoroge anukishe kitunguu kwani iko nene
It sits on 0.53 acres…
Kenya’s real estate is highly, highly overrated.
Kumbe hii saatafrika ni true billionaire playground kweli.
My former boss was schooling had his entire family huko Pretoria and was wondering kwani isn’t it expe… Nicca had a crib in Westlands but he spends most year in SA
The average cost of a house in the US is usd 200,000. Those guys really get value for their money. Ile neighbourhood @Purple anaishi Philly nyumba ni za bricks and they cost kitu usd 80,000. Cheaper than an apartment in Nyayo Estate Embakasi
Hiyo ni kucheshwa
I think Kenyans are becoming clever and moving forward people will start demanding value for their money.
Lol. This house is ugly. Looks like a Servants Quarter.:D:D
Texas is really something else when it
Texas is really something else. A regular upper middle class household in Texas can live much better than a local “billionaire” in Kenya. My parents live alone in a country club (great neighborhood) development in Texas. Their house (6500 sq ft) sits on 2 acres right in front of a 18 hole golf course. I took this video of the front of their house when they were doing some renovations but this gives you an idea to Kenyans the quality standard for housing for some Kenyan Americans. Many are kawaida degreed ppl who by chance could be living huku south C na pipeline.
I google what $1 million can get you in the US or UK nasikia Julia. Once saw a property on 30 acres going for that amount nikasema kununua nyumba Kenya ni kujipiga chenga. Check out property in Oakville Canada. Utapenda
Land is very cheap in the US. In fact with a little cash you can get someone to finance you large tracts of land. Most of the time, people do not want large tracts of land. Its not like Kenya where someone is budgeting farming or speculating. You just get what you need. A quarter acre is way more than enough for any family.
You cant compare housing in the US vs Kenya. From the finishing, arrangement of houses, cleanliness, …
Utapata beach front poa sana Cape town , Durban or even East London
It’s just a real life example if we are comparing oranges to oranges in terms of house prices in Kenya vs stateside. I’ll delete these images ya nyumba yetu later cause sitaki macho ya jini lol
No, it has a lot of fools looking to become rich overnight… Those buroti maguta bonobos
Niiice digs.