this explains it all

WHO warns that eating sukuma wiki leads to arrogance
By Nairobian Reporter Friday, Dec 4th 2015 at 15:15
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In a report released in October, World Health Organisation has warned that consumption of the ‘super-food’ kale over a period of time can lead consumers to have heightened levels of arrogance.

Kale, known locally as Sukuma Wiki, is a vegetable that is deemed easy to find and nutritious. The study was conducted in several areas of Sydney where kale consumption is regarded as high.

A spokesperson for the WHO told The (un)Australian, “these findings though alarming, we have all been at a dinner party and had to endure the whining of a vegetarian or worse a vegan, talking about how superior they are to us carnivores.”

could be true you know


WHO should now tell us what to eat. They have ruled out all the food we know!

Try ngwachi na nduma.
Power foods

stories are told of how kuna msee alikuwa na dame mluhya campo…so mjamaa amewekelea maji ya chai…then dame yake akaingia…so akamwambia amwangalilie apo anakuja…vile alirudi akapata dame amepika ugali akiuliza wapi sukuma:D:D:D:D:Dkumbe alikuwa ameenda kununua mandazi


Bado kurule out oxygen and recreational sex alltogether.

Sounds “legit” lakini sukuma nitakula[ATTACH=full]23170[/ATTACH]

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I don’t think kales are commonly eaten in Kenya as portrayed in this article. What is eaten in Kenya aslo commonly known as Sukuma wiki is known in english as Collard greens. Both kales and collard greens belong to the Brassica oleracea species… So @Web Dev and @gashwin endeni kwa hiyo website muandike osungu.dll


upuus! website iko kwa kichwa ya @bluetooth …you cannot detect a spoof story when you see one?..

Ndio hii rink

kwani wewe ni robot? una crawl kila mahali

you call thenairobian a newspaper? people who lift stories from the (un)australian that specializes in news for dunces such as this one:

[SIZE=6] Woman With Christmas Shopping Already Done Overdoses On Smugness [/SIZE]
By theunaustralianblog on 03/12/2015

A woman is in a critical condition in a Sydney hospital after taking an overdose of smug whilst declaring to her friends that she had completed all of her Christmas shopping several weeks before the event.

“A female was admitted to intensive care with heightened levels of superiority in her blood stream as well as a patronisation reading of .24,” said Dr Rudolph Mistletoe from the ER department of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. “…

:D:D:D:D:D:D nuh i read a lot

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boss am not as green as you,notice I have not commented on that story,wanted to see the reaction or views,it is guys like you who believe anything hata ile story ya monkey rape.

am not againist the lifting of fake stories lakini hata kama they lift a whole journo should know difference between kales and Collard greens. i bet most of talkers also refer to sukuma wiki as kales

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sawa, social experimenter! when shall we see the complete work published?

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