This Covid-19 Thing Will Wipe $5 Trillion Dollars Off The World Economy

Huu sio wakati wa kununua magari ama mashamba ama other assets, this is the time to scale down and if possible buy dry foods. Beans, maize, Ndengu, dried Omena etc. It is the time.

One thing ujue kids will be at home maybe until August, the school timetables have been messed so they will be at home eating like termites. Flower farms are closed, so are airlines, Masai mara hotels, Coastal hotel, Airlines. Ikiendelea hivi maduka za jumla zitaanza kuvunjwa watu wakiiba foodsuffs. IKO SHIDA Bro, things are thick.
Scenes like this are just around the corner


Ikuje haraka.

It won’t happen one of the big 4 agenda is food security and I trust uburuto government. There is enough food for everyone in govt silos.#i am for completing the journey with uhuru

Huku ni wapi watu wanajishindia vya bure

You are demented and deranged

Dangerous times ahead :eek:

Agenda was set on drunken mind,that’s why haina pillars or firm foundation

Amechukua busheri yote

Do you know what you are talking about?

Cursed race. We live on the best continent yet we can’t grow enough food. Africans are NATURAL SLAVES

Interesting times ahead, brare fukin mungich


Those calling me names, didn’t you wake up 3 times to send raila permanently in Bondo?

You all skipped school the day sarcasm 101 was being taught

How are you an elder states man you little mongrel

Exactly… which Part of the country does this bafoon thrive

low IQ Bonobo enda mukuru kwa zukabaga ghaseer taka taka kihii


that the best u can come up with…makende ya retarded burukenge

peleka umeffi mukuru humbwer ghaseer low iq makendeste ya mbwa hatutaki akili mbilikimo hapa ibilisi wewe