This bit of America is hidden

Kenya lost a lot of sea without a fight to a neighbouring country, A minus to the current leadership. For our security, we should be negotiating military bases somewhere in the lost property. This is learning from America which somehow came to own or colonise Alaska the cold arctic region bordering Canada and facing Russia. The Americans always show Alaska at a certain angle that mainland Americans can relate, making it seem far off, desolate yet a part of the north American mainland. But if you looked at a different angle, one from the Orient, you would see that the very Eastern tip of Alaska, the Aleuttian islands chain forks right stabbing towards the north eastern corner of Asia. This part of America is not desolate, it is peopled by the Aleuts, Eskimo-like Russians who resemble the Japanese. Japan is also not far from here, they successfully invaded that part of America during the second world war. This tip of America is riddled with military bases. It is like a security feeler deep in Asia and gives them a strategic advantage over Pacific rivals like China. This may be why they rarely talk of Aleuttian Islands. This is because we are focused on obvious American military presence in the tiny oceanic islands like the Marshalls and the Korean DMZ. The big powers have bases in weird places that journalists, Hollywood and tourists rarely speak of. Americans have hidden a lot of their punch in the Diego Garcia island which is strategically located at the centre of the indian ocean, equidistantly placed from Africa, Indian subcontinent and Australia. Getting oblique slaps from the Japanese in WW2 made Americans obsessed with their security. This will either bankrupt them in the long run, or they obsession may encourage someone else just out of curiosity to give them another oblique slap. (attachments are from internet)[ATTACH=full]396636[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]396637[/ATTACH]

Russia shouldnt have sold alaska to the Americans. A tragic mistake that has come to bite Kremlin in the ass

Kenya didn’t lose shit ,ICJ rulings have no power

If America wasn’t a superpower, Putin would’ve “reclaimed” Alaska by now like he did Crimea.

Yeah we didn’t lose Migingo Island.


At the time it was the logical thing to do according to them. The Russians faced hostility from the Alaska Native tribes and also administering the colony was expensive. Little did they sell it and it came to be found that it gas deposits and other minerals. Russians till date regret the sale.