This baffles me a lot!

Our founding father Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was a dark-skinned man.
Our lovely founding mother HE Mama Ngina Kenyatta is also dark-skinned.
But their son our beloved president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is light skinned. Biology teachers please explain this to me

Google dominant vs recessive genes

Sometimes genes skip generations. Your grandpa may have diabetes , it missed your dad, but then gets you.

But anafanana na babake.

Wagikuyu have a light gene in them. Doesnt matter when it get expresed








Or it gets your dad and misses you. Nyote hamuezi kuwa nayo.

They look alike bana.Lakini hapo kwa mama yake ndio sijui.

Unajua rangi ya cucu na guka zake, both sides? Unajua?

Okuyus used to be Black but due to immorality they where ferked by the whites during MauMau. This has led to close change though the behaviour remains the same. Bado wanasafisha macho na kupanga laini Sabina Joy

Na pale kisum city bado ni okuyu wanapanga laini?

Uhunye ni photocopy ya Jomo
