Thirdway Alliance- Reminder- Siku imewadia

Leo we have been hosted by @EbruTvAfrica na pia SOTNKE by Jimmi Gathu. I have seen many guyz here complain about corruption, economy, tribalism e.t.c Remember the biggest cancer in Kenya is the middle class who sit pretty in their glass houses.

So this Saturday 05 December 2015, wewe middle class, jitokeze asubuhi at Ufungamano and listen to what we have. Come with a friend too.




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The biggest problem is the lower class. the poor proletariat. They have the real power. Middle class cant do much and they are just fence sitters.

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These fence sitters ndio watazidi kuumia with high interest rates, fuel prices, mortgage rates etc. Ata zile gari middle class wananunua they have become more expensive from Dec 1st.

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I agree. They do not have the numbers, but they have a big voice.

They Will Follow On Tweeter And In Social Media , Make Same Comments Here and there but never Come Out Of their Comfort Houses bure Kama mafi Ya kuku

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Third way is a crap name. Enlist professionals to come up with an apt name that resonates with the masses. You can’t afford a wrong start.


We’ll be glad to have our ideas to resonate with people and not just fancy names.

@Okiya middle class are busy
#alarm goes off*
#gets up*
#shower &breakfast*
#sits in traffic*
#gets to work*
#sits down*
5mins later
#looks at watch
##cool,only forty more years or less to go
#here lies one of the best and happiest human being to have ever lived.



Ni wale wale tu

@Okiya when you show me those who are to replace the current breed of thieves.
i will be the first one to furusha and exile them.
lakini huwezi niambia nitoe uhuruto niweke raochemeleoneweta.
hiyo itakuwa kazi ya kuosha kuku miguu

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I second you on this 120% otherwise the rest is bullshit.
Third alliance my foot.

I fully agree with you. I have told the organizers who are my pals that kama mkutano inaitishwa to endorse rao, kamelon, madvd etc then they shouldn’t expect any support from whoever. Wewe kuja ujionee & then decide. The hyenas know hakuna kitu that we can do other than complaining daily on twitter na hashtags. This time lazima tujitolee and change things.

Lakini pia kama watu hawataki na waamue its every man for himself ni sawa. Personally interest rates zikipanda hadi 40% na dollar ifike ata past 200 i’ll not be affected at all.


unless wanjiku the hollopoi starts to feel the pinch there is nothing the middle class can do

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