Thinking out loud....the campaign

Given these statements and pics from various talkers


And Rao has also been comparing himself to Trump. Which means that…

Raila == Trump == Joffrey Baratheon of GoT

Then we can conclude that…

Raila == Joffrey Baratheon

Ps…these are not my words but an inference from various talkers and therefore a deduction of a logical conclusion.

Ulirudi kuchukua kura ingine after kudanganya @Nefertities ile ya kwanza ni ATM card na akapita nayo?


Fallacious reasoning

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Hizi threads za politics zimekuwa too much.


It’s rich how you disputed that inference when I made it but use it here to slander someone else you don’t like!

Chillax…i am just making conclusions out of various views and opinions