Lies …
Lies …
And more Lies …
tugege are happy… hawapangwigwi
Raila would have faired just as badly if not worse.
kenya kwisha is a troupe of clowns
This is very true. RAO would have failed as well, even with tightened spending. The kind of borrowing that Uhuruto did cannot be undone easily. Shida is JSKS is not doing anything tangible to assuage the fears of Kenyans on the failing economy. Instead, he has taken to spending like an idiot who has never had the privilege to lead anything.
True it would be Zakayo asking what happened to the 10k per month promised, Uhuru ali fira nchi bila huruma, only a $ billionaire could have made the crazy promises from both sides.
Sadly the clowns chosen by zakayo shows you he is not serious !
Paying civil servants will not collapse the government, on the other hand, failing to pay international loans could put kenya in a fix. It’s a wise decision since most civil servants are criminals anyways, yes i mean MOST. Wengi wao hutumia ofisi yao kuibia serikali. Kenya loses $3 billion a year to corruption and shady deals. Wajilipe na yenye wameiba kwanza
Whatever Nabii’s government does to cut your insatiable appetite for landwhales, I’ll gladly support it.
Ni God manze.
Something rings very hollow when an individual …
- who was in government as a Deputy President for 10 good years
- who had a finger in every rotten pie and participated in grand graft
- who went to illegally aquire public and private land.
- who was in cahoots with well known briefcase “tender-preneuers”
- whos trademark is the Art of Lies , Deception and Skulldugery
He now claims to be as clean as cotton , the common man’s champion and a wheelbarrow hustler …
No doubt , State Funds to the tune of Billions were stolen , squandered , misused , misapropriated , diverted …
But …
To claim that President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta was the sole architect and beneficiary is rather stretching the imagination a bit …
He has recently presided over some questionable “loans” from the Chinese and elsewhere and seems to have no viable strategy to get our ailing economy out of the doldrums …
Riggy Gee is not even noteworthy of any useful comment here …
That twit should just keep his big mouth shut …
Or preoccupy himself with his backward “Shareholder” base …
Bure Kabisa :mad::mad:
By the way talkers…tena roho safi saaaana…isnt this the real reason behind our current crisis…leo tuaibishe shetani na tuseme ukweli tu :D:D:D:D:D.
Kuna wasee wachache watasoma hii wa squirm kiasi :D:D:D:D:D but isorait.
:D:D:D:D:D yaani msee alikuwa anatu address kama yuko in another state of mind…kwanza hile ya westgate sidhani alikua fiti :D:D:D:D:D wueh.
We know when the rain started beating us…stop skirting around issues elders. The truth is out there.
Atleast Kibaki, having spent circa 10 years as VP under Moi, had an idea about how to turn things around when he won the Presidency in 2002… Nabii was actually one of the biggest thieves in their (UHURUTO) government… so what he will do now as President is just be the biggest cartel in this government.
The stupid comment is neither here nor there. Speculation is an unnecessary deflection.
Ali Kuiba was a known thief since Moi days, so don’t come here trying to convince us otherwise. He was convicted of stealing an IDP’s land and fined Kshs 5million. He acknowledged having stolen the Weston land and attempting to steal a school playground to turn it into parking grounds.
He has been implicated in ALL maize scandals in this country since Moi times.
He attempted to steal and sell Processional Way all by himself, as well as Ngong Forest land.
So you see. This man is an accomplished crook. Now imagine for 10 years this man was controlling 50% of the government, as the Deputy President.
you are only butt hurt that your ka tin god lost the election fair and square. just so you know, did not vote for ruto and my candidate also lost.
but you chose to ignore my comment that kenya kwisha is a troupe of clowns and chose to concentrate on the pain where they kicked you in the balls with that election loss.
kwenda skia vibaya huko --------------------->
I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that the majority of Juveniles in here actually Voted for him …
This country is finished…
Shenzi Kabisa …:mad::mad: