Things are getting thick for uhuru

The current government is in absolute chaos, uhuru a flower girl president who is supposed to be in charge is a spectator. The gold scam has exposed his ineptness. How can such daring scam be undertaken by people around him, supposedly Raila and matiangi. Things are getting hot. Ruto has been the focus for the last one year on matters corruption and scandals. Now the tide seems to be changing. The kieleweke and anti-ruto groups have lost their moral ground and a bit of uhurus trust. Now expect more chaos, as this groups go on each other. Ruto is scheming his way back to power. For the last year he has been on the cold. If uhuru gives him even a bit a chance, then things will get even more thicker. The next 2 months will be interesting as the matters on gold scam unfolds and the resulting effects.

Now Ruto is gaining more credibility.

Upuss, enzi za Toroitich arap Moi, 2 Mercedes Benz belonging to Museveni went missing, between the port of Mombasa and malaba.
G.o.K paid for them silently, was that a reflection of Moi incompetence ?

Ruto has never lost his credibility. He is the only strong leader who can tell dragon people from Beijing to fuck themselves

Msishtuke Ruto akichukua presidency 2012

Ati atia?

Rao is in DRC for gold issues
Weta amehepa ,Hong Kong…seriously scadle loading this week , Ruto will enjoy this .

Silently is the word. That is a measure of competence.

Getting shaken down in public is an indicator of incompetence.

gold ishalipwa bila the same way.Sasa tungojee “news” eti mali iko ‘confiscated’ ya waliohusika

Your reasoning abilities are wanting, you lack context.

Kettles and pots

your reasoning ability is very high then. here is why, a crime happens, and the executive wing of government is working hard to dismantle it. Then you turn around and point a finger at the President ? If this is context, I’m good without it.

It is his for the taking. All those Jubileeidiots mad at Uhuru have thrown their support behind Ruto.

House ngonja ukutiliwe hapa na @Makonika. You better run for cover now…:D:D

I don’t see shiny eyes following the ‘mtu wetu’ syndrome after seeing clearly how Gathecha is fucking up the country.

Spot on. Uhuru said he will not visit Kiambu because Waititi supports Ruto [SIZE=1]so says my mum and her idle chama women so all they do all day is gossip and spread rumours. [/SIZE][SIZE=4] For that reason only Ruto gets their vote. They are also worried about the safety of the Kikuyus in the Rift valley. Ruto is quids in.
Besides this man has been in the game for so long. Politically smart, shrewd, has clout and mbesha.[/SIZE]

@kasaman is immune.

No, imagine the diplomatic implication of this fake gold and the persons implicated are the president’s insiders. What does this imply? What does this say about uhuru? How do this people view him? Imagine doing such underhanded deals behind his back with serious diplomatic consequences then you dare compare such an incidence with a stolen Mercedes in Uganda in the 80s. Yes, you lack context. You relate things from a general perspective while ignoring the specific undertones.

:D:D:D:D It runs in our family.

Mbona Unapenda hustler