Thieves Tithing

I’ve not heard of the church condemning the massive looting which is almost paralysing our economy.
Does it mean that they are receiving their share of the loot through tithes?

Whether its right or wrong, the moral decadence in our society and the high cost of living knows no saint or villain.
I wonder why the church has veered off the precedent set by the likes of Njoya, Okulu, Muge.

God is too busy giving Jesus a blowjob to care about our problems. Ni kila mtu abebe msalaba wake.

They (especially the NCCK affiliates) were part of the sorrows program to export democrazy. No moral authority’s left.


How many politicians get invited every weekend for church fundraisers with their tainted money?
It happens all over the country.

those guys are literary tripping over each other inviting the heaven investor to a harambee. Why threaten to turn off the spigots?

religion is the biggest scam

Is that why they can’t bite the hands that feed them?

Churches are businesses. You’re better off spending 2 hours every Sunday reading the Bible and praying at home than going to church.

Bae, you do know the biggest thieves in our midst are the church pastors/leaders and anyone with access to the tithe collection raight? You also know they steal other ‘valuables’ from depressed married/depressed single women in the name of counselling them. They have no leg to stand on, worse than our politicians. Else checki sanduku.

I concur Atoti, long time. You’re lost

I know nkt. Been out of circulation kwa simu…a rare problem as my provider Virgin is really good. Hope it will be sorted out soonest. Meanwhile nimeweka update nono kwa sanduku.

BTW if we were to list thieves in our societies…we would be here all day. Politicians are not alone. The ones that really rattle my cage are headmasters/headmistresses/board of governors of our National and Provincial schools. ‘Selling’ seats that were allocated to the poor but could not afford the fees to the rich for their thicko kids. Straightup conmanship i.e collecting money from big sponsors like Safaricom for a certain child and also collecting money from an individual sponsor like me as I will never know…
My BP is threatening to shoot thru the roof so wacha niwachie hapa. Sure I told you about my horrible experience.:mad:

Please don’t write what you wrote to prove you are an atheist. It’s very offensive to some of us.

I’ve never claimed to be an atheist.
Also, I don’t care about your feelings.

:D:D:D hebu mtaje, ni yule mmoja?

I got it

Why do you need the church to say that it is wrong when you can clearly see that it is. Is your observation insufficient?

Basically, do you need the church to tell you that what is wrong is wrong?

Leta number,tukulie politician bibi ata yeye how we feel being shagged

You people have turned my fathers house into a den of thieves: Jesus

The church is in the business of massaging people with good news