…But I went against the grain
It was in 2008; I was dating a lovely dim-eyed thing
Sweet thing I must add, but she wasn’t giving it up
As a young’n I couldn’t live with blue balls
Not whilst swimming in a blue sea with plenty of fish
I met her by the pool table at campus…she was playing
Told her it’s a man’s duty to shoot the balls into holes
she said it’s a woman’s duty to hold the stick, and I rolled the dice
The coming weekend I excused myself from my sweet thing
had to empty my balls so I hooked up with the kamba in town
pretty kamba took the pole at Pango club and danced for a half an hour <For me!>
if you saw what I saw on that pole you’d have followed my steps
Next day sweet thing was punching my chest furiously coz I had the kamba
she forgave; even handed over the cookie
But the Kamba had cast her spell, the other was delaying the inevitable
I was unwise didn’t know the Kamba was for everyone
Anyone with a stick would shoot into her hole
Just learned sweet thing married last November,
at 35 I could do with some loyal sweetness like hers…
But that’s not on offer…
“that’s what I get for falling in love,
They always say don’t love a whore
but I just went against the grain” (Akon-Falling in Love, 2008)
I couldn’t put a finger on it…maybe it’s coz she was a good girl deep inside but still a ho.
Then venye anakugawia P ni kama it’s her last fck used to drive me crazy…
That feeling is inexplicable