Be careful about making your woman mad in the morning… there is always that one dude at her job waiting to correct your mistakes, telling her how beautiful she is, bringing her breakfast/lunch, leaving her notes, asking her out on dates/trips……#WorkHusband#Scavengers
Unakatiwa kwa ofisi? Though those things rarely end up well. What of making your husband angry in the morning? There is always
that one lady at his job waiting to
correct your mistakes, telling him
how sharp he looks, bringing him
breakfast/lunch, leaving him notes,
asking him out on lunch/
trips… …#WorkWives#Scavengers
:D:D I just love it when I am threatened ati kuna fisi inampa attention. all she will get is a blank stare and a switch in the topic coz every couple fights and holding a gun over my head with the threat that you will be swept out of your feet by another fisi is just counter-productive for my case. In short, I won’t be cowed
Aye captain!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Kubembelezana ni ya mtoto msichana. Hao ndio huwa tunauliza, “Kamama, umekula?” Hao wakubwa wengine wapeleke mchezo mbali sana!!!
Were it not for HIV and all the nasties out there, she can threaten all she can…If she gives in and gets pregnant, the drama bells would ring very loudly.
:D:D ati ooh, so peter has asked you to go to Naivasha with him, please don’t go baby, I will take you to Coast, I swear I love you I will treat you better. Bullshit atangoja mpaka ashangae what makes her think I do not have admirers out there as well
The thing that bothers me with that discussion is that women think they are a catch always, guys are a catch too and they need to know this, hii utoto iishe. We also have admirers too
Online husbands arise!! They do the same from everywhere. Whatsapp, telegram, Ktalk and Twitter. They are also probably 19yr olds with a lot of bundles.
that is what they are driving at, and once she knows your Achilles heel is hizi vitisho za watoto wa secondary, you may as well serve her your balls for breakfast every morning coz you don’t need them