Eti ni keshe usiku nikigojea ujinga eti new year. King Gregory came up with this shit. So hakuna tofauti ya Leo na February 9th ama august 27th they are also New Year from same periods last year.
Fcvk the new year
Eti ni keshe usiku nikigojea ujinga eti new year. King Gregory came up with this shit. So hakuna tofauti ya Leo na February 9th ama august 27th they are also New Year from same periods last year.
Fcvk the new year
so unatumbia ndio nini ifanyike kaseer iiiiii
Muachage ujinga ya kubebewa akili na walami. Saa hii queen akisema New Year ni January 17 ng’ombe za Africa zitaanza hiyo tradition.
Negroes na ngombe tofauti ni blood group
This is a unique day.
Where I am, the sunrise has always been there before 7.00 am but today is a bit different, very chilly, cloudy with no sign of sunrise so far.
Happy new year.
Honestly that’s why I don’t celebrate any of the Kenyan holidays, American holidays I celebrate a few because Americans are some of the patriotic mfs we have around and therefore I accept their invitation as a courtesy.
Busy typing on their phone. Hiyo January 17 umetoa wapi? African traditions?
January 17 Was just an example. Everyday is New Year’s day
Hiyo calendar unatumia ni ya kiafrika si ndio Ndidu?
Note this. Your years begin and end on your birthday date. That’s the time you should celebrate your end of one year and the beginning of a new year in your life. Birthdays are very important. From this year going forward, I will cherish and spoil myself on my birthday. It means more compared to these 1st January shenanigans.
Birthday are also wrong…do you celebrate the day you’re conceived or the day you’re born?
When did your clock start ticking?
I use ancient Egyptian calender
You got it wrong…the moment you called it BIRTHday, that’s already defined. Maybe you also celebrate conception day
You have a point, it’s New Year simply because we use the Gregorian calender. But let me bore you a bit: it’s not a bad thing. If you look at things rationally, human existence is all about the events life offers for you to appreciate it. All the things we do (our lives actually) hang in that infinite and vague emptiness of timelessness. But our existence is finite. The sun rises and sets regularly; we toil, age and die. So, man has to devise a way of making sense of existence, by chopping it into meaningful chunks–seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, etc. Memorable things that make us happy, things that help us plan and order life, fit into those chunks of the elusive “thing” we call Time. So, to grasp time and know how to make use of our lives, we have a calender. Just because the idea is from a white man doesn’t make it worthless.
So, Happy New Year@ ndindu. Let the hate drain off you in 2022:D
Should we?
What do you think?
Spoken like the true bonobo you are, you do not offer solutions but only criticism. The orderly life with have today is because somebody somewhere sat down and came up with a solution doesn’t matter if that person is white, black or coloured. You want your fellow blacks to reinvent the wheel while there’s so much out there to be discovered. Think bonobo think!
To clean up the mess. Ama?
Nonsense! Of course the day you saw the sunlight. No one knows the day the sperm joined with the egg to form the embryo.