@mikel it is very true, what you have noted.
In business there are people you may have created as serious businessmen from low beginnings. They would always call you. Look for you in the evening or weekends. Bring gifts. Brief you on latest political gossip and how they are dfending you. When the job is gone you become just another ordinary Joe.
Chungu Sana.
[COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]woiye “style ya embakasi ni namna hyo, instant justice” i remember him say one time
May 7, 2020, 3:47pm
What is wrong with nobody calling you? If you are lonely call your mother or your wife or kids. Yaani even grown ass men are this needy and clingy. Mimi hata nikublock na lock watu meanwhile others are complaining about people not calling them or picking their calls. Upuzi mtupu.
I have been forced to have my WhatsApp on an unknown number so that watu wasinisumbue kwa WhatsApp on my main line. One day nilifanya mistake nikaingia Telgram on my main number in the middle of the night past 10pm,even 30 seconds hazikuisha some characters who I want no contact with ndio hao. Ati hi kwani you are not on WhatsApp umepotelea wapi. My friend I had to Uninstall the damn thing very fast. Kuna watu nimeblock mpaka kwa email.
This is the best life. Hakuna mtu anakusumbua except immediate family. Hao wengine to hell with them. I love keeping to myself, a close rela of mine alioa a very arrogant woman, can I tell you that we live in the same city or town and I don’t know where they live. Wakinialika birthday ya watoto. I send gifts and cards and I say I had unavoidable commitments. Hadi watoi wamekuwa wakubwa. Me I am a real city girl ukitaka kunionyesha wewe ndio unajua attitude utajua haujui. I will not pick your calls, sms only, even my boss can’t call me, they sms me, simu ni yangu sio yetu, so don’t expect ati am at your beck and call. You call at anytime and expect me to pick.
The way I see it, friends consume alot of energy so one less friend or relative bothering you , one less demand, one less person to hog my time. I have more time for myself. Win Win. I am a very big asset as a friend or relative so I value my time. Nikiona you are taking me for granted it does not bother me one ounce. I am just like it’s your loss and I move on. And for sure in hindsight you will regret losing me at one point or another bcz people like me are very rare in today’s world. I often find people from my past making their way back into my life after realizing that watu wangwana in this world are too few that you can not afford to lose one if you ever meet one to begin. It’s like losing a unicorn. So me such things never bother me because I know that I am a very serious and rare kind of asset. So ukiona you do not need me somebody else will bcz we are rare. Hatutoshi. Ama hatupatikani. Ukipata mtu Roho Safi hivyo umeangukia pigia Mungu shukrani. So hizi vitu they never bother me. I know my value. Na kweli hata exes zangu hakuna mwenye alipata mtu hata ananikaribia so even them they know nilikua mtu wa maana sana. Only that human beings understand things better in hind sight ukiwa nao they take you for granted. Ukiwatoka ndio watajirudia waone hapa nje kupata mtu kama huyu ni ngumu sana if not impossible. When you know your value, kuna vitu huwa hazikusumbui. If someone stops contacting you you know the loser is them not you bcz you add more value to their life than they add to your life. It’s only worthless people who need ego massages from fake friends ati nobody is calling me nowadays. THE BETTER FOR ME SO THAT I CAN GET MORE TIME FOR MYSELF AND MORE FREE TIME TO SPEND WITH GOD INSTEAD OF ON YOU. Majority of so called frens are just a waste of time that you can invest into better things. Unataka watu wa kupigie simu kwa nini? Hawa no watu wako na low value IRL or low self esteem.
Mimi just make a mistake uji withdraw. Ati so that I can chase you. Utashangaa. Utangoja ungoooje. Next time you call me I will be like who is this? Sina time ya kubembeleza mtu hanilishi na sikai kwake. Enda ubembelezwe na mamako. The devil may care but not me.
Hapo ume bonga point Capote. Had such friends especially extended family ndio vanity kabisa only thinking that we are competing who has a bigger prick.I cut them off & only communicate with immediate family & a few pals & associates
Kudos. Don’t let useless people waste your time.
That is how life is and the sooner we accept this the better our reality.
ha ha reality, after many years of accumulating fake/situational friends you forget the real friends…
then when shit hits the fan you say nobody is calling you…
A friend of mine 2013 was vying kuwa MCA, a friend i have known since primary sch, the type that you call each other when broke for help.
The campaigns really pressed him, towards the end he was even calling me to help him with fuel cash for moving around…
ghasia ikachaguliwa, phones went silent … until he lost the 2017 position… nigger inanitafuta eti tukajule nyama… he passed by my office,
for real we had not so much to talk except some political gossip…
Then we parted ways, we rarely talk , except when we meet in events huko home.
Aliuliwa ju ya kumea pembe murefu na kuongea kama serikali ni mama yake. RIP though
Yeah but he should also state how his life has improved since exiting politics. Perhaps he can now sleep better and spend time with his family. Less stress overall, he might be better off!
What is wrong with nobody calling you? If you are lonely call your mother or your wife or kids. Yaani even grown ass men are this needy and clingy. Mimi hata nikublock na lock watu meanwhile others are complaining about people not calling them or picking their calls. Upuzi mtupu.
I have been forced to have my WhatsApp on an unknown number so that watu wasinisumbue kwa WhatsApp on my main line. One day nilifanya mistake nikaingia Telgram on my main number in the middle of the night past 10pm,even 30 seconds hazikuisha some characters who I want no contact with ndio hao. Ati hi kwani you are not on WhatsApp umepotelea wapi. My friend I had to Uninstall the damn thing very fast. Kuna watu nimeblock mpaka kwa email.
This is the best life. Hakuna mtu anakusumbua except immediate family. Hao wengine to hell with them. I love keeping to myself, a close rela of mine alioa a very arrogant woman, can I tell you that we live in the same city or town and I don’t know where they live. Wakinialika birthday ya watoto. I send gifts and cards and I say I had unavoidable commitments. Hadi watoi wamekuwa wakubwa. Me I am a real city girl ukitaka kunionyesha wewe ndio unajua attitude utajua haujui. I will not pick your calls, sms only, even my boss can’t call me, they sms me, simu ni yangu sio yetu, so don’t expect ati am at your beck and call. You call at anytime and expect me to pick.
The way I see it, friends consume alot of energy so one less friend or relative bothering you , one less demand, one less person to hog my time. I have more time for myself. Win Win. I am a very big asset as a friend or relative so I value my time. Nikiona you are taking me for granted it does not bother me one ounce. I am just like it’s your loss and I move on. And for sure in hindsight you will regret losing me at one point or another bcz people like me are very rare in today’s world. I often find people from my past making their way back into my life after realizing that watu wangwana in this world are too few that you can not afford to lose one if you ever meet one to begin. It’s like losing a unicorn. So me such things never bother me because I know that I am a very serious and rare kind of asset. So ukiona you do not need me somebody else will bcz we are rare. Hatutoshi. Ama hatupatikani. Ukipata mtu Roho Safi hivyo umeangukia pigia Mungu shukrani. So hizi vitu they never bother me. I know my value. Na kweli hata exes zangu hakuna mwenye alipata mtu hata ananikaribia so even them they know nilikua mtu wa maana sana. Only that human beings understand things better in hind sight ukiwa nao they take you for granted. Ukiwatoka ndio watajirudia waone hapa nje kupata mtu kama huyu ni ngumu sana if not impossible. When you know your value, kuna vitu huwa hazikusumbui. If someone stops contacting you you know the loser is them not you bcz you add more value to their life than they add to your life. It’s only worthless people who need ego massages from fake friends ati nobody is calling me nowadays. THE BETTER FOR ME SO THAT I CAN GET MORE TIME FOR MYSELF AND MORE FREE TIME TO SPEND WITH GOD INSTEAD OF ON YOU. Majority of so called frens are just a waste of time that you can invest into better things. Unataka watu wa kupigie simu kwa nini? Hawa no watu wako na low value IRL or low self esteem.
Mimi just make a mistake uji withdraw. Ati so that I can chase you. Utashangaa. Utangoja ungoooje. Next time you call me I will be like who is this? Sina time ya kubembeleza mtu hanilishi na sikai kwake. Enda ubembelezwe na mamako. The devil may care but not me.
Hii handle inatumika n’a watu wangapi
Power is addicting especially to career politicians. Hata akistaafu leo he will always be referred to as mheshimiwa and people will always want to talk to him about their issues.
Ubaya wa siasa ni you can never truly leave that life.
@Masood you must be @jimmy_m who was RKO’d by @Kaffir hadi akaleft kijiji
Who is that really? And why say that?