If Christianity Is The Only Way To Heaven, I’m Afraid There Be Zero Africans, The Gates Are Manned By Racists
ofcourse africans will be met at the gate by Saint Peter who will ask them why they left their god. peter will whatsapp the monitor screenshot(from cctv) of the crowd of africans at the gate to the african god on his macbook or dell pc (you would be a fool to imagine the glorious peter reading from outdated scrolls or books). Satan will tweet that he want them but the african god will tweet back that he doesnt recognize satan. the christian and muslim africans will be deported to their god where they will recieve strokes of cane for deserting. they will be relegated to being unpaid servants.
[ATTACH=full]402977[/ATTACH]omwami shaka…date circa unknown…kama hakuna fombe hatuendi huko